Chapter Two

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Tina and Vick both grunt as they drag the bodies of the infected to the large fire, pulling and throwing them inside while Lovely sniffs around the area.

"Ugh this stinks." Tina breaths, her stretching her back out.

"The burning zombie flesh or Lovely's poop?" Vick points.

Tina looks behind her at Lovely who squats, her scrunching up her face in disgust and turning off. "Both. Definitely both."

"Where is Max and Jake?" Vick looks around.

"Well I told them to go in the building to see if there were anymore infected in there but seeing as how they haven't come out right now they're probably doing other things." Tina replies, Vick just rolling her eyes as they continue to drag the bodies in the fire.

Jake's back is against the wall as him and Max both kiss each other, her hands being rested on his chest. His hands go on her sides, him smiling into the kiss.

Max hums as she pulls away, her beginning to trace her finger along the silver middle part of his belt. "So, you thinking of coming over tonight?"

"Your father would murder me."

"If you're caught then yeah." Max replies. "He always sits out with Coop and your Dad anyways after shifts. Relax yourself."

"Well, I was thinking me and you sneak out during the night." Jake says. "You know that mall a few miles north?"


"We can just....look around. Me and you." Jake says. "I've cleared a path for us that way we won't have to worry about infected. I just want some more time with you."

"Hmm tall order."

"You know good and well you would love sneaking out."

"Touché." Max laughs. "Alright then, sounds like a plan."

"And maybe we could talk about us?" Jake states as a question. "You and you...." He says before interlocking his fingers together with a smile.

"Jake." Max starts. "You know my stance on the whole commitment thing. We're in a whole world apocalypse I'm not looking to be in a relationship."

"I know but...we pretty much already do things that a couple would do."

"So us being fuck buddies makes us a couple?" Max questions. "Look Jake it's not you but—"

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