Chapter Twelve

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The stand down between the Fireflies and Sam and Max still occurs, Max holding the barrel of her gun against the man's head that Sam has in a tight chokehold, not enough to choke him but enough to keep him from escaping, all guns from the Fireflies being pointed at the both of them.

"Unless you all want your base to become piles of ashes I suggest you all put down your weapons!" Sam states loudly. "We'll put down ours if you all put down yours!"

"No chance!"

"You all should be thanking us you know!" Max states. "Seeing as how we took care of some bandits that were about to attack you all and burn down all of your base with some barrels of gasoline!"

The Fireflies all look around at each other with furrowed brows and surprised expressions.

"That was you both?!"

"Yeah, all we want to do is come in here and help you all!" Max states. "But best believe we will defend ourselves when it comes to it."

"No, there's no need for that. No need for us killing each other when you both helped us a great deed." The man that Sam has in a chokehold says, his hands being up in surrender. "Stand down you guys."


"What's going on?!"

Sam looks as Owens and another man comes out of the gates after they open, his brows furrowing and knitting. "Neil?"

Neil stares at Sam with a surprised expression. "Oh wow, Sam?!"

"You know this guy?" Max looks between Sam and Neil.

"Unfortunately so." Sam responds.

"Sam!" Owens recognizes with a smile. "Oh wow! Wow it's really good to see you."

"Hello doctor." Sam states. "Mind telling the rest of your people to stand down?"

"Can you release my son please? He's getting a little red there." Neil motions.

Sam and Max both look as all of the Fireflies stood on the towers or roofs of the buildings put down their weapons, Sam nodding over towards Max and her putting away her gun, Sam releasing the man.

He rubs his neck a little while backing up from them lightly, him going to stand with Neil. "Billy, is the name." He introduces.

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