Chapter Eleven

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(2 months later - Salt Lake City, Utah - Spring of 2029)

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(2 months later - Salt Lake City, Utah - Spring of 2029)


Max stands in the bed of the truck with Lovely being next to her, her in usual attire of a clean pair of a tank top and jeans and combat boots, her long hair in a high ponytail, her backpack being on that holds her weapons as well as her thigh holsters she has on, another gun being in the waistband of her pants behind her.

She stares down at her map while Sam is at the hood of the truck trying to jumpstart it back, Lovely having her head up while panting lightly, her eyes lightly being closed as the soft warm wind blows on her face. Her all black vest being on, her fur more thicker but her a little skinnier from lack of food from all of them.

"Alright." Sam states, him running a hand through his thick dirty blonde hair. "Looks like we're walking it, this piece of shit is dead now."

Max opens the bed of the truck, her and Lovely jumping out. "It is going to put us back some hours since the Fireflies are all the way across the city but at least we're finally in Salt Lake City."

"Yeah." Sam replies. "It's a nice day too. Spring was your mother's favorite time of year."

"Yeah it was, she loved flowers so much." Max says while looking around. "Too bad Gil Sandra and little Dylan couldn't join us. I feel like they would've liked the spring journey."

"We mostly travelled during Winter though, they wouldn't have enjoyed that."

"True, plus it's best if it's just us. No need to get close to anyone if they're going to end up dying anyways, right?"

Sam looks over at her as they both walk through the highway filled with cars, her still staring down at her map. "Babygirl—"

"I didn't mean that in a throwing shade kind of way, Dad. I'm just saying, and I'm fine with it." Max states simply. "Oh! I almost forgot. I got you something."

Sam stops as Max crouches down while taking off her backpack, her going to pull out a bag of Folgers coffee. Sam takes it with furrowed brows. "How the hell did you get this?"

"I stole it. From the base side we stayed at for a few weeks. Remember in the outskirts of Utah?" Max smiles, Sam just chuckling. "It's fine I'm sure they won't need it. Plus your weird ass likes black coffee for some reason. I figured it would cheer up your boring face."

"Okay." Sam laughs. "Well that makes me feel good because I stole something for you too."

Max smiles more as Sam goes to pull off his backpack, him taking out the Nintendo. Max's eyes widen in complete surprise, Sam giving her the Nintendo. "Don't tell it has...."

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