Chapter Sixteen

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(3 months later - Lake Forest Park, Washington - Summer of 2029)

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(3 months later - Lake Forest Park, Washington - Summer of 2029)


Max and Sam as well as Lovely both are in a boat, Sam using the canoe paddles to move the boat around, his back being turned towards Max. Max uses her knife to cut her hair to the middle part of her back, it becoming way too long for her liking, Lovely standing tall in the boat with her tongue out, letting the wind blow against her face.

Max goes to put her hair up after cutting it, her sighing to herself while going to drink the remaining water out of her canteen, her body having a light coat of sweat.

"Dad...." Max trails off. "We're going to have to find camp soon."

"I know."

"Are you sure you can rely on the old man that was missing one eye for information about this?" Max asks. "I mean I'm pretty sure that guy had some memory loss issues going on."

"He seemed pretty confident about it, about the rumor being in this city."

"Okay but how would we know? He said he has never even been here?"

"Max we have to try all around here to try and find it." Sam looks behind him at her. "Look if we don't find anything this time then we will head to California and go on and start our own settlement, alright?"

"Alright." Max replies, her sighing to herself a little in irritation.

For the past three months it has consisted of nonstop travel. For the longest they were trapped in Oregon because of a group of bandits looking for them when they drove into their base, it taking a long time to successfully get out of their territory and fight their way out. Then from there they made it to Washington and now they are looking for the fortified city that Owens was mentioning.

They started at the most popular parts of cities, them just going to city after city to look. When that became unsuccessful they started asking around, and they started thinking on the best way to hide a fortified city.

By building at the outskirts.

So they started spending more time at checking at the outskirt cities, it being a lot to check the large cities but they still endure it. But every single time where a city becomes unsuccessful and they don't find anything...the more irritated Max gets, Sam being persistent at finding the city. And not only does she grow irritated, she also grows more and more exhausted from the constant trips, both of them only camping for nights before going right back out to traveling and going around all day during the day, and for the past few weeks...with barely any food.

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