Chapter Ten

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Sam shivers harshly as him and Max leave out of the big cafeteria building, him looking around the area of the base that now looks deserted, dead bodies seeming like it is everywhere.

With one hand holding his gold gun and the other holding Max's hand, he practically drags her along with him, her still being in a shocked state, her continuing to murmur 'I had to do it' to herself.

"Max, where did you say they said our stuff was?" Sam asks while looking around, both of their bodies shivering harshly from being in just undergarments in the middle of harsh winds from the storm. He looks back at Max, seeing how she murmurs to herself while still staring ahead of her with wide eyes. "Hey! Max!" He snaps his fingers in front of her, her attention focusing on him. "I need you to snap out of it! Okay! We're almost out but I need you okay?! I need you! Snap out of it!"

Max swallows, her going to nod her head. "Okay."

"Where did they say our things are?"

"Storage building."

Sam looks around while walking with her, him spotting a building that says SB followed by storage, him holding Max's hand as he runs over to the building.

Sam gets Max inside before closing and locking the door behind him, him sighing out in relief from the heated room. He begins to look around the different shelves until he spots their backpacks with their weapons on their backpacks, him spotting his clothes and him beginning to put them on.

"Start putting on your clothes, babygirl." Sam states.

Max looks around, her spotting a T-shirt and jeans and going to put them on, her going to slowly put her backpack on her back as well.

"Whatever we can take we're taking it." Sam states, him putting some clothes and more ammo and some guns in his bag.

Max follows his lead, her beginning to fill up her backpack. "Dad?" She starts, Sam turning to look at her. "I think that...Kenneth guy...and his brothers know....."


"Assaulting the girls here." Max states. "I caught them saying something when I was waking up."

Sam goes to put on his black cloak coat. "Well now they can't bother them now. We took care of it."

"Were those girls about to...." Max trails off, Sam continuing to stuff things in his back, him putting his holsters on. "Daddy were they about to assault you too—"

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