Chapter Six

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  (Decorah, Iowa)

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(Decorah, Iowa)


A silent stand down occurs between the three, Sam and Max both pointing their gold guns at him with Lovely covering herself behind Sam, the other man in his doorway pointing his shotgun at both of them.

"Last chance." He states.

Sam's peripheral vision catches Max's, her looking over at him with her eyes before looking back at the man. "Murray Bauman are you not?"

"What's it to you—"

Max whistle cuts him off, Lovely growling while going to bite his leg making Murray scream out and point his gun at Lovely. Before he can try and make a move to shoot Lovely Sam punches him while grabbing his gun, making Murray stagger back while holding his nose, Lovely growling while pacing in front of Sam and Max.

"Keep stepping back!" Max commands, her coming inside of the house along with Sam, Sam closing and locking the door, him motioning for Lovely to stay.

"Did you freaking break my nose—"

"Were you about to shoot my dog?!" Max exclaims, an angered expression being on her face. "You little fucker!"

Murray grunts when Max slaps him across the face with the butt of her gun, his back hitting the wall hard, him grunting out when Max knees him straight in the crotch before punching him hard again, him landing on the ground while Lovely barks.

"Son of a bitch—"

"Max okay." Sam pulls her away from him when she begins to kick him.

"No fuck him he was about to shoot her!" Max yells.

"You all come to my house! My property!" Murray exclaims while slowly sitting up. "I refuse for you all to take what I have built!"

"We're not here to steal from you jackass." Sam states.

"Yeah maybe if you would've just listened as to why we're here and not jump to a fucking conclusion you would've known that!" Max exclaims. "We're here because you owe us a favor and you can start with that car out there we need you to get a tracker out of!"

"Owe you?! Owe you all?!" Murray goes to slowly get up while holding his nose. "I don't even know you all!"

"I served with Ramen Cooper." Sam states. "We were both in US military and he said that you owed him a few favors, and we're that favor. He told me to come to you."

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