Chapter Fifteen

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  (A town off the Outskirts of Utah)

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(A town off the Outskirts of Utah)


The only sounds that can be heard in the quite spacious but blank room of furniture is Lovely's growls as she stands tall beside Sam and Max both, in a clear ready position ready to pounce if an ounce of a move is made. The sounds of racing heartbeats each individual can hear beating quite rapidly in their chests, almost to where it can be heard between the others.

Sam and Max stand still with their hands up, both of them occasionally glancing over at each other with their eyes, their heads not moving in the other's direction. They scan their eyes around the room, not seeing a single piece of furniture they can hide behind if a shoot out brawl happens between the three of them.

They know they can take them out, they just don't want to be shot in the process.

"Wait..." the young woman trails off, her eyebrows furrowing. Sam and Max see how she lowers her gun, the man and the boy looking at her in confusion. "They're not apart of them."

"What makes you so sure?"

"They aren't wearing the Rattler vests, the tan ones with that fucking symbol." The woman motions. "And they don't have the symbol on their arms, and we all know we barely see the group having women, at least as their bounty hunters for fucking humans."

Max and Sam both look as the three of them lower their guns. "Come again?"

"We thought you both were one of the Rattlers." The man says, him taking the gun away from the young boy. "Those...savages." He motions towards the window.

"Rattlers?" Sam questions.

"They always hunt down different ones, make them work at their plantations as their prisoners, basically slavery." The woman replies. "They're all around here. We're just trying to get out."

"I presume you both are trying to do the same?" The woman motions.

Max looks over at Sam with a quirked brow, him putting his hands down and brushing himself off. "Yeah, we are."

"Well seeing as how we're all friends here you all mind making your dog calm down?" The man motions towards Lovely who growls at them with her baring white teeth out, the boy staring at her in nervousness. "We just thought you all were one of them, that's all."

"Down girl." Max softly says, Lovely relaxing her stance and going to stand beside her.

"Gillian is the name." The man points at himself. "This is Amelia my sister and my younger brother Dylan."

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