Chapter Five

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(3 hours outside QZ zone - Minnesota)

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(3 hours outside QZ zone - Minnesota)


Silence fills the car as Sam continues to drive, the ride being surprisingly smooth with no one trying to attack them, the FEDRA name on the car either scaring people too much to make a move or there is just not any people around the area for them to worry about.

Whatever the case is, both Sam and Max are grateful for, it being a time where they can come down and build back their energy from the exhaustion and intensity of a mission of getting out of the QZ zone.

Sam glances over at Max from time to time, seeing how she just stares out of the window with her back being turned towards him. As much as he wants to play the comforting card right now he is to angry to say anything, Fangs betrayal being something he definitely did not expect and the situation being so fucked up that it just makes his blood completely boil.

And knowing how Max is just like him when he gets angry, he knows both of them need time to cool down, they both need this silent ride to get their ducks and thoughts in order.

The sounds of Lovely's snores are surprisingly calming to the both of them, Max just staring out of the window while Sam continues to stare ahead of him at the road, the side of his head being rested against his hand with his elbow leaned against the door handle, his other hand on the wheel, a tired expression being in his eyes.

Max lays the side of her head against the window, a deep pit filling in her stomach of the events that just happened a few hours ago, the events that none of them have been talking about for the past three hours of them in this car ride.

She hasn't known Vick and Tina for long so honestly leaving them behind wasn't hard at all, she doesn't really get close to much people after the experience of loosing her own mother and Emma. But Jake....she has known Jake since Coop, her and Sam acquainted with him in one of the military bases after Susan died, and since then they have always travelled together, both of them the only kids in their journey so they had no other choice to talk to each other and grow close to one another. He was always a compassionate person, an optimist. Always doing well to comfort and making the best out of certain situations, always wanting to play the hero for her.

So her loosing yet another person that she cares about hits deep, it hurts her a lot. Especially with the way he went out. He went out saving her, loosing his last breaths, his last moments saving her and making sure she was okay.

She's tired of it.

So she just swears to herself that never again, never again will she allow herself to get close to anyone else, because as soon as she does they always get killed which leaves a twinge in her stomach, pitch black dark black hole that she always has to carry around by the day, and pings in her chest that she is never able to rip out for relief.

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