Chapter 6

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Kunikida had come to pick up the escaping Jane by car. She threw herself into the car and Kunikida sped off, tires screeching and all.

"Are you okay, Jane? Any injuries?"

"No, none," she said, panting from the thrill and physical exercise. "I'm totally fine. I don't even think they're following us," she said, looking out at the back window.

"Better safe than sorry," he replied and stepped on it.

Back in the Mafia, Chuuya had to go talk to Mori one more time that day.

"I let her get away, Boss."

"Don't worry about it, Chuuya, she'll be back. Wouldn't she make the perfect partner for you?"

Chuuya didn't wish to voice his opinions on the matter. "What do you mean, Boss?"

"We'll make her join of her own accord."

"And how shall we do that?"

"By using the Detective Agency."

Chuuya tried to come up with any possible ways the Agency could convince Jane to join the Port Mafia (considering that she was so against it), but failed.

"Just give us the order, Boss. However, I must inform you that she realized we were lying about the reason we kidnapped her."

"Ah, that. She was so zealous I couldn't help myself. But not to worry, there are a few dozen ways I can explain our capturing of her aunt before her. At any rate, we'll give her a few day's grace before we make our first move."

Kunikida and Jane had arrived back at the Agency in one piece, as expected from the idealist's driving. While they were walking to the fourth floor, Kunikida explained that they were all working on an urgent mission, meaning that she'd have to wait in the Agency without much company. Jane assured him that it was completely fine. Even if she actually wasn't, she could hang on alone for a little while longer.

Kunikida entered the office and Jane followed him. The office was indeed empty and Kunikida left immediately after grabbing some papers from his desk. Jane tried to thank him for taking the time to pick her up, but he was gone before he could reply.

Jane sighed and sat on Kunikida's chair. Stretching her neck, she thought back to her time at the Mafia, her mind stopping at Chuuya. He was so kind. I hope he's fine, she thought.

The door opened, revealing Atsushi.

"Ah, Jane! You're alright."

Jane stood, feeling a bit embarrassed for sitting in Kunikida's chair, and greeted her new companion.

"Are you not busy because of the mission?"

"I did my part and got to leave early. Somebody has to keep watch at the office just in case of another emergency. Good thing Kunikida was here to pick you up," he added with a chuckle.

"I'm lucky. Thank you."

"No, don't thank me. It was the least we could do. Speaking of, I actually feel a little guilty we couldn't come to rescue you ourselves – with Kyoka I mean."

"Oh?" Jane encouraged him to continue while moving to prepare tea. She didn't manage to drink any the last time she was there and still wanted to try it. It's not like she had anything else to do anyway besides sit.

"Oh yeah. We took a vote on whether to rescue you from the Port Mafia or not. Dazai, Kyoka and I were for, Ranpo, Kunikida and Yosano were against. But since they're the more senior members, their opinion prevailed.

Jane had finished preparing the tea and placed it on the table in the booth, where they both also sat.

"If you don't mind me asking, Atsushi, why did you vote to rescue me?"

"Because Dazai saved me. And when the Port Mafia captured me, they also decided to save me."

"What about the others, umm, Kenji, Tanizaki and Naomi, right?"

"They abstained."

The doorknob clicked and Kyoka entered. "Hi, Jane. Good to see you back here," she said, rather emotionlessly. "Atsushi, we have orders to start with the paperwork."

"Ah, right!" Atsushi jumped to his feet. When Kyoka was out of hearing range, he leaned over and added, "Please don't tell Dazai that you know about the vote."

In response Jane made the motion of zipping her mouth shut and smiled at Atsushi. The boy's shoulders relaxed. He almost floated back to his seat, next to Kyoka's, and began typing away. Jane was forced to drink both cups of tea and just sit in the booth. The tea wasn't anything special.

Sitting there brought back memories of the day before. It all seemed so distant. And the man of her dreams, Kunikida, had voted to leave her with the Port Mafia! Jane couldn't help but pout at the thought.

After some time, members of the agency started appearing. Ranpo was next. Jane peeked from behind the dividers and saw that he did no paperwork, just sat in his chair. Next was Yosano, who left relatively soon after (she mentioned something about shopping). Tanizaki and Naomi arrived together and they were the first ones to take notice of Jane, asking about her safety, before getting to work too. Kunikida and Dazai also arrived together.

"See, there she is," Kunikida told Dazai without interrupting his walk to his desk. Dazai stopped and moved his hands from behind his head to his pockets. Jane also felt the need to stand.

"Welcome back, Jane," he said, putting out his hands for a hug, then pulling them back a little, and stretching them out again, clearly unsure whether a hug would be appropriate. Jane, although a bit surprised at first, eventually put her arms around his torso and squeezed it gently. Dazai followed through and wrapped his arms around Jane as well.

Not even a second later Dazai pulled out of the hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't come rescue you myself," he mumbled. "It was my fault you were kidnapped."

"I'm here, so it's alright, Dazai. Please don't worry about it."

"If you say so," he happily said as if he had flipped a switch. How obnoxious his reply was!

"Dazai!" Kunikida roared. "Stop lazing around and come help us with the paperwork."

"Yeah, yeah, coming," he said as he strolled back, arms behind his head again. Once he sat down, he immediately put his head on the table, staring at the empty wall at the back of the office.

Jane was now very aware of her unnecessary presence at the Agency, but, considering what the Mafia had told her, didn't dare to just leave. "Maybe I can help with something, anything?"

"Just sit and wait," Kunikida replied. "Dazai will deal with you after work."

"But you're the one who drove her here," Dazai protested.

"That's because I'm the only one who can drive worth a damn at this place!"

"Huh? Dazai, you can't drive? At all?" Atsushi asked.


"Ah, that reminds me," Kunikida said, driven by his irritation, "have you asked Jane to commit double suicide with you? She seems so nice she might actually agree." Kunikida later regretted this comment. It was both rude towards Jane and continued the conversation with Dazai.

Dazai was re-energized. "How could I possibly rob Kunikida of his future wife?"

Jane sighed but couldn't help but smile looking at them. Something about the relationships at the Agency were endearing and had become a precious memory for her to remember for the rest of her life. She sat back on the sofa and closed her eyes, falling into sleep.

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