Chapter 8

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Jane had no time to waste. She found a (thankfully half-empty) garbage can from under the sink and threw away the candy wrappers. Then she gathered the books and put them back on the shelf. Thrilled at having found a broom, she started sweeping the floor.

Kunikida was quick to retrieve Jane's stuff, but he didn't hand them over to Dazai without a couple more threats. That's how they stood in a stalemate, both grabbing onto the handle of Jane's travel bag.

When Dazai was free to leave and returned to his room, Jane was already almost done with the dishes. "Took you long enough," she said after she heard the door open and close.

"Yeah, Kunikida gave me an earful. Oh! Look at you, you cleaned this place so fast." He hung his coat on the coat rack in the corner next to the door.

Jane flicked the last plate before placing it onto the drying rack and swiping her hands into her sides. "A small thank you for getting my bag," she explained and took the bag off his hands. But in actuality, it was more the fact that she couldn't not have been distracted by the mess.

"Are you hungry? Let's make something to eat."

"Uhm sure," Jane agreed. Dazai went over to the fridge. "Dazai," Jane called out to him.

"What is it?" he asked, looking back at Jane.

"Is your relationship with Kunikida going to be okay? It seems tense because of me."

Dazai chuckled. "I annoy him on a regular basis, but nothing has ruined our relationship all these years." He placed carrots, tomatoes and some other veggies on the table. "Now we just have to make something with these."

"Some kind of a stew then? I can prepare it. Do you have any onions?"

"I do," he said and put them on the tiny countertop.

"Are you good at cutting onions?"

"I avoid cutting onions like the plague," he seriously declared.

Jane pouted and slid the onions close to her while maintaining eye contact. "I'll leave chopping the carrots and celery to you then."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Jane squatted and started peeling the onions over the garbage can. "Shall I tell you about what happened at the Mafia?"

"I'm all ears."

"I met this man, Chuuya." Dazai audibly expressed his disgust. "You know, he didn't want to talk about you either! Well anyway, he was quite nice, took care of me and everything. He's also the reason I escaped."

Unbeknownst to Jane, Dazai listened with a serious face, already suspicious.

Jane, not having been interrupted, kept talking, "He was with me when I met the boss. I told him that I don't want to be a prisoner, he told me that I wouldn't be if I joined for real. In the end I asked for time to think and ask Chuuya why he joined. But when I got off the elevator, I saw my aunt there too! That's why she wasn't at home and couldn't pick up my calls (thanks for lending your phone by the way!)!" Jane prepared the pan. "But apparently the Mafia captured me to keep me safe and they only did so because you left me alone. But why did they need my aunt then??"

"Be careful with that big knife," Dazai said.

Jane cut the onion in half. "Before I left, Chuuya warned me that I won't be safe outside, and my aunt might not be safe either." She cut long strips reaching near the stem and horizontally before chopping. "But I just couldn't stay in the Mafia. I never want to join that place!" she declared and squeezed her eyes shut.

Dazai gently removed the knife from her hand and led her away from the counter, watching Jane shed some tears. He took a paper towel and patted her cheeks dry.

"I'll be fine," Jane said. "Could you chop the tomatoes as well?" She returned to chopping the onions and focused more on cooking than telling the story. Dazai was quiet too, lost in thought but performing all his cooking duties.

"Do you have some wine?" Jane asked after a while. Dazai disappeared into his room and emerged with a bottle. "I couldn't sleep yesterday so I had a glass."

Jane felt that the bottle was rather empty. "I don't think you'll have much left after this." Or more like nothing.

"It's fine."

Jane added the wine and stirred, added some more veggies and some seasoning.

"Could you add the peas after it comes to a boil? I'll prepare the rice."

Dazai replied with silence, having returned to his thoughts. Jane took it as a "yes" and removed the bowl from the rice cooker. Dazai added the peas in due time and Jane followed up with a thickener.

"Oh, I seasoned it, but we've never tasted it."

"Ah, right." Dazai came back alive. "Let me." He allowed some liquid onto the spoon, cooled it, and slowly drank it. Without a word he got another spoonful to cool and held it for Jane. "Now it's your turn!" he happily said.

Jane studied Dazai carefully. Something about his mood switching to happy was endearing, but also somewhat unsettling. Is he trying to put me at ease?

"Oh, right, I should use a new spoon," he realized but Jane pulled his hand to taste the stew – she had just decided to stop analyzing him.

"I think it's quite good."

Dazai was surprised at Jane's decision but lightened up almost immediately. "I also think it's delicious. We did a good job!"

"Now we just have to wait for it to simmer and for the rice to finish cooking."

Dazai wet a cloth to wipe the table. Jane couldn't help but stare at the door to Dazai's room in curiosity, but decided that it was inappropriate. "So, what do you think of my trip to the Mafia?"

"Why do you think I should have an opinion on it?"

"I don't know, you looked quite serious after I told you about it. I assumed you were thinking about it."

"It's nothing I'd want to tell you about. It's the Mafia after all."

"Why not? Don't you think I should know?"

"I'll take care of it somehow so you don't have to worry."

"But I want to understand why things were like they were!"

Dazai returned to the sink to wash the cloth and leave it to dry. "Are you sure?"

Jane, standing next to him, nodded.

"But don't come crawling to me when you can't sleep tonight, okay?"

Dazai was joking again. Jane rolled her eyes, but deep down she was happy that the Dazai she knew was back. "In your dreams!"

"When you were captured, they didn't intend to keep you there. Just like I didn't know enough about you to predict your actions and come up with a solid plan to save you, the Mafia also just wanted to get a good idea of your personality so they could capture you for real next time."

Jane blinked at Dazai. "So it was all a test?"

"Yup. They got your aunt to see how you'd react to a family member being captured. Now they know that they can't use her or anyone who you have a similar relationship with. Don't worry, they won't hurt her."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because then they'll be able to gain some brownie points with you when they just let her go."

The rice was ready so they broke off their conversation to finally eat some good food.

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