Chapter 7

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The senior members let the kids leave early and Ranpo left on his own (since he wasn't doing any paperwork anyway), leaving only Dazai, Kunikida and Jane at the main office room. Realizing that their work was almost over, Kunikida called Jane, but Jane was fast asleep.

Dazai went to investigate and found Jane sleeping upright, her head tilted to one side and chin resting on her collarbone.

"Kunikida, Kunikida," Dazai yelled in a whisper after having returned to his partner's seat. "There's a sleeping beauty on the sofa - go, go wake her up with a kiss!"

"That would count as sexual harassment."

"She likes you – I'm sure it will be fine!"

Kunikida raised his voice. "Cut it out, Dazai. I am not interested in her."

Dazai thought for a moment. "So you'd be okay with me pursuing her instead?"

Kunikida wasn't expecting that reply. He looked at Dazai, trying to spot any signs of a joke. Instead, he was met with a pair of narrowed brown eyes, piercing through his skull.

Kunikida could have replied in many ways, but he picked the most neutral one. "She's not mine. I can't stop you." And then he decided to add, "But if you hurt her or she's unhappy, I will personally kick your ass!"

Dazai put his hand on Kunikida's shoulder. "I'm counting on it, partner."

He returned to the booth, admiring Jane's beauty. She looked like a doll while sleeping, and Dazai allowed himself to be enchanted by her. He put his arm under her chin and lifted her head up. A thought just kiss her managed to cross through his mind but a second later Jane awoke and slowly managed to open her eyes. "Dazai?"

"Ah, you're awake!" Dazai said in surprise.

Jane noticed the hand on her cheek, directing her gaze at it. "And is that a problem?"

Dazai retrieved his hand and tried to salvage the situation. "Oh no, of course not! Quite the opposite, actually. Now I don't have to carry you back, which would have been much harder."

Dazai's attempt was not in vain but only since Kunikida appeared. He, in fact, had to pass by the crack in the dividers to exit. Jane's anger vanished the moment she noticed Kunikida. She promptly stood. "Thanks a lot for driving me once again!" she tried to thank him for the third time. Third time's the charm.

"Don't worry about it," Kunikida said before exiting, without really making the effort to look back at Jane.

The door closed and Jane plopped back on the sofa, arms crossed. "Why is he avoiding me now?"

Dazai, who had remained sitting, crossed his arms as well. "Jane, I think it's better if we give up on him. He really seems to be against the idea."

"Did you ask him about it?" Jane's interest was piqued.

"Yeah, sort of," he replied. "More like he told me to stop trying. I'm sorry, Jane."

Jane had to think for a moment, recall all her interactions with Kunikida and determine that she in fact had no chance in the first place. She also remembered how she had decided to give up but Dazai had convinced her to continue. Now the same man is asking her to stop.

"Alright, I'll let him go. Thanks for trying to get us together, Dazai."

Dazai smiled and continued with a cheerful tone, "So, shall we go back?"

"Back where?"

"To my dorm. You need to help me eat everything we bought together yesterday."

"You bought," Jane corrected him. "But yeah, sure." She realized that she had nowhere else to go and going home was a bit complicated. "Besides, I'd like to tell someone what happened at the Mafia."

"And I'd be more than happy to listen. I was gonna ask about it anyway."

Jane smiled but her smile was spoiled by the memory of her aunt at the Mafia.

"What's wrong?"

"Wait, give me a sec," Jane said, closing her eyes. She knew that her aunt was still at the Mafia, unharmed. She opened her eyes. I still have some time. "Let's go," she said, smiling lightly.

"You really have a lot to tell me," Dazai replied and switched off the light after they exited the room.

Despite having a lot to tell each other, both spent their walk together sorting out their thoughts. Jane was recalling all the details of her stay in the Mafia, hoping that Dazai, a former member, could shine some light on the aspects that didn't make sense to her. Dazai's mind was preoccupied with the implications of the Mafia capturing Jane, but also, more importantly, his declaration, that he would pursue Jane, to Kunikida. He had asked in the heat of the moment, but he wasn't particularly against the idea, especially if she would have him.

They arrived at the dorms without either of them noticing. Dazai was the first to snap back into reality. "We're here again," he started narrating. "And here's my room. Sorry it's a bit messy."

It was indeed messy. Books were lying around and stacked on the floor. Candy wrappings and cookie crumbs were on the table and floor. There was dirt around the only house plant he owned. Unwashed dishes were chilling in the sink and next to it.

They say that someone's room reflects the state of their mind, she thought. "It's okay."

"Oh, your stuff is still at Kunikida's place. I'll go get it."

"Thank you."

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