Chapter 11

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Jane stared at the little girl in shock, knowing that she wouldn't let a mere game of rock-paper-scissors decide her future. But she had to wriggle out of the situation in a way that a child could understand.

"There, there. If you want to play a game with someone, then you have to set out rules that all parties can agree to."

"That is if you are naive," Mori commented, walking up the stairs to the garden area. He stopped and stood in front of Jane's bench.

She didn't let herself be intimidated. "There is a difference between forcing someone to play by your rules and inviting someone to play by your rules. If you're already going through the trouble of asking, you should at least make the offer look attractive."

"That's exactly why I'm here. I've come to tell you that we won't be trying to convince you to join the Mafia anymore. We've also let your aunt go. You may check if you'd like."

Jane was not surprised since the situation was as Dazai had expected, but she still decided to check. She closed her eyes and saw her aunt cleaning up her kitchen. "I see."

"I did some background checks on you, Jane. You're the daughter of a man who is deeply involved with various criminal organizations. That's why you're so against joining the Mafia. And that's also why you ran away from home, leaving your phone behind. But then why refuse job offers in Yokohama?" He paused for a more dramatic effect. "Because you're actually planning to escape to Tokyo and lose yourself in the crowd. Your aunt, tangled in the dark side herself, didn't see anything wrong with you visiting her, nor was she too concerned when she was with us and saw you there as well."

He finished his great speech. Jane sat, waiting for him to add something, but he seemed to have revealed all the information he had intended to. Jane tried to not push her luck. "It's a special day when someone else tells you your life story."

"Indeed. The Mafia will stop pursuing you, but that doesn't mean your life is not in danger. Other organizations may come after you."

Jane nodded, in her mind begging him to finally leave her. The girl returned to his side and they had already taken a step towards the stairs.

"Oh, and I have a message to you from your father," he said. "He has chosen a husband for you, someone he thinks is worthy to protect you. I have to admit I quite agree with his judgment on this issue."

Jane stood in alarm but tried to remain calm. "Ah, I see. Do you wish to tell me who this person is?"

"I would, but I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. You may try asking your dad, he might tell you. I'd assume you'd prefer to meet the man at least once before walking down the aisle. Well, Elise and I will be walking down the stairs now. Have a good day!"

Jane sat back down on the bench. She was happy that the Mafia wouldn't actively target her anymore, but the thought of marrying some rando her dad picked out for her sent shivers down her spine. Maybe she could dodge the bullet by marrying Dazai first, but she had just refused his idea of being girlfriend and boyfriend. It would be uncouth of her to spring the idea of a marriage onto him. Jane didn't want to use Dazai, but she also liked him to the extent of being able to imagine being married to him.

Jane flipped open the phone Dazai had got for her, deciding to head to the Agency very cautiously. But in all honesty, she was hopelessly distracted the moment she realized she knew the way.

She re-analyzed her relationship with Dazai, the alternative, the Mafia pulling out – wait, they lied! My quirk is not flashy enough for most organizations to know what it is! The danger wasn't that great in the first place! Annoyed at her slow-wittedness, she turned the corner that would lead her to the Agency. She also thought that Dazai surely would have realized it before her but still been on the safe side. Or he just wanted to spend time with her. Or both.

She pulled open the door that led to the staircase leading to the Agency. She took the stairs and, slightly out of breath, opened the door to the Agency.

"Hi everyone!" she happily greeted the office-dwellers. People greeted her back but less enthusiastically.

"Wait, you're not with Dazai?" Atsushi, who had business near the entrance, asked. "I thought he wasn't here because he was with you. He came in briefly but then left, explaining that he had important business to take care of."

"He didn't mention anything to me. But I did leave before him."

He widened his eyes. "So you weren't together this morning?"

Jane shook her head before explaining, "We had a bit of a disagreement."

"Hey, brat! Get back to work!" Kunikida called Atsushi.

"Well, I'll also go and look for Dazai then." Jane waved to Atsushi and quickly left on the off chance she'd be given work. While walking down the stairs, she dialed the only contact she had.

Dazai picked up almost immediately. He spoke first. "Hi, Jane. I know you know where I am, but don't come."

Before she had a chance to reply, she heard a familiar male voice talk in the background. "Give me that. Hi there, Jane. Long time no see." It was Jane's dad. She shut her flip phone immediately. Why was Dazai with Dad?

She closed her eyes and checked. Dazai and her dad were indeed at an old warehouse near the fish tackle shop. The same place the regular suitcase was, funnily enough. Jane didn't have time to ponder over what had happened to the case. Instead she made up her mind to go to that warehouse.

Over at the warehouse, the dad returned Dazai's phone to him with a toss. Dazai caught it. "Good girl hung up and isn't getting herself involved," he bluffed. Dazai had a feeling that Jane was going to show up despite him asking her not to. If she were smart, she would have realized that coming was a bad idea. But that's how her gift made her be.

"Yeah, well, it's not like I wanted to see her." Jane's dad was a man in his fifties, although the stress must have made him appear older. He wore a simple suit and had surprisingly kind-looking eyes. "I honestly couldn't face her at this point, that's why I want to marry her off to someone who will take care of her."

"Someone you owe?"

The dad chuckled. "Well, you could say that. If I marry her off, I'll have my debts erased. I have nothing against you, Dazai, but I seriously need to catch a break sometime soon. True hound dogs they are! I have a feeling my involvement with various crime organizations had ruined her life already before she was born."

Dazai listened in silence. The dad continued his monologue, "Well, it's a pity she won't be coming after all." He took a few steps toward Dazai. "So here's my thanks," he said as he swiftly pulled out a knife and stabbed Dazai in the stomach.

Dazai staggered back, trying to blink away the pain. "That wasn't very nice. Now the groom is going to have a bad first impression of me."

"You're very welcome," the man said and walked away.

Dazai hissed in pain as he pulled out the knife and kneeled, holding his hand over the wound. He would have left, but he couldn't. He wanted to see the man Jane was supposed to marry. He didn't have to wait long.

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