Chapter 16

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Jane arrived home feeling intense relief from having managed to cut off one source of sorrow and chaos in her life. Or at least so she hoped – she had no guarantee Dazai would actually keep away from her, but he had seemed promising. Now, it was time to remove the second source of said sorrow: Chuuya and the Mafia. They were a bit trickier, but it would be worth it. Anything to set her future life up for success.

As she expected, her aunt wasn't home, which made Jane nervous. She walked back to the front door, making sure it was properly shut and locked. She hurried to the windows, pulling the curtains closer together, but not so much that it was suspicious. It made her feel safer as she lay on her bed to think of ways to end her relationship with Chuuya.

The man himself arrived back at the Mafia calm and composed but, after shutting the door to his room, almost staggered to his sofa. What in the world did Dazai want from Jane?

He was sure that she had given back the phone – that's what it looked like at least, but that by itself didn't mean anything. Why couldn't she just stay away from that pain in the neck?

Chuuya grabbed the glass of wine he hadn't drunk the night before from his fridge and just downed it. He needed to relax. But what's more, he needed answers.

His imagination kept providing him with images of Dazai and Jane on a date, smiling and holding hands. What an unpleasant sight, even if imaginary. But he just couldn't shake them. He needed to go to Jane, and he needed to go right at that moment.

But first, he decided to prepare properly by sharing his plans with his boss.

Mori was not sitting at his desk but in a chair overlooking the city. Chuuya entered without much fuss. He removed his hat in respect. He was about to ask something very important.

"Boss, I have a request and a plan."

"Oh, it's rare for you to have a plan of your own. You usually just follow my orders."

"Yes, Boss. Only for today."

"If it is within my power and interests, I will approve of your plan and grant your request. So, what are they?"

"I plan to ask Jane to marry me. So I request that we shall not be disturbed."

"You seem confident you'll be able to convince her. Alright, consider it done."

"Thank you, boss."

"Oh, and if you want to win her over, tell her that the Mafia jammed her communications yesterday."

"Did we?"

"You telling her that would definitely show you in a good light, would it not?"

"But it would help the organization's case."

"She hates the organization and its members. But if you believe that you can win her over, I'll allow you to do that at the expense of the organization."


Chuuya made his way to Jane's aunt's place and, a second before knocking on the door, realized that she might not be there. But his hand had already knocked.

He stood and waited. He heard someone's light footsteps approach the door and after a few slow moments, Jane opened the door.

"Jane! Hi! I hope you're not busy. I was thinking that we could go for a walk in the garden and–"

"Chuuya! Welcome," she interrupted him with a forced polite smile, her eyes trying to tell him something. "Surely you know my aunt." Her words were sharp. She gestured to her in the kitchen. Chuuya stepped in and greeted her.

"Thank you, Aunt, for taking care of Jane."

"Oh my, not at all! I am just offering her a place to stay, but she takes care of herself."

Jane seemed a bit embarrassed by that trivial comment and tried to continue the conversation. "Chuuya, you mentioned that you wanted to talk." Now she was rushing, sounding suspiciously eager. "The same one as before?" Her smile and eyes betrayed anticipation.

"Exactly. Unless you'd like to go somewhere else, of course."

"Oh no, I'd love to. Go to the one we went before, I mean. Just give me a few minutes."

Jane disappeared to change and Chuuya called for a ride. The moment she closed the door, she slid down and buried her face in her hands. Her heart started pounding. Chuuya showed up here? She gathered herself and reminded her goal of ending all contact with him. It would hurt, but it would be better for them both in the long run.

She got ready and the car was already waiting for them. They sat together in the back seat and were dropped off in front of the gate. Chuuya pushed it open and as soon as they were through, offered Jane his arm. They started walking.

"When we were here yesterday, I promised I'd answer your question."

He was looking at Jane, waiting for her eyes to light up and sparkle like last time, but instead, her expression turned sad.

"I think it might be better if you don't tell me."

Chuuya was too stunned to speak for a few moments. "What happened?" he finally spoke, his voice the gentlest Jane had ever heard. She hated him for it.

Jane was debating how to tell him. Did she want to confess her true feelings or tell him that she wanted nothing to do with him right then and there? She chickened out of both and went for something in between yet daring.

"It's none of your business."

Chuuya didn't say anything and they kept on walking until they reached the other side of the stone wall, which was overgrown with rose bushes. There were tall trees on the other side – the garden clearly continued, but there was no passage.

"Is this the secret?"

"It's on the other side of the wall, but there is no door." Chuuya scanned along the wall to check that he wasn't lying. "Just like some people, this garden is not letting everyone near its secrets so easily."

He looked at Jane. Was he hinting at her? She shot her eyes away, deciding to stare at the wall.

His speech wasn't over. "But I don't need a door. And I promised that I'd show it to you. Do you trust me, Jane?"

Without wanting to wait for an answer, he slowly took a few steps closer to her and moved his arms around her waist even slower. Jane didn't understand what Chuuya was doing but didn't want to stop him either. But she had to do something. She decided to judge by his expression. As if taken back in time, she was mesmerized by his crystal blue eyes. They were almost as close as they had been the day before and Jane made up for the difference by grabbing Chuuya by his arms and taking a step closer. The space between them had shrunk so that their lips could touch if he wished to, and with his firm hold on her, she would have to oblige.

His voice echoed through her head. Do you trust me, Jane?

She didn't. He was from the Mafia, after all. His gift was much more powerful than hers. She barely knew him. He had no reason to treat her nicely. But still, she nodded.

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