Chapter 17

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Chuuya, having a good enough grip on Jane, activated his ability. She watched the ground get farther away, quickly grabbing hold of him. They moved up slowly from the ground toward the other side of the wall. The descent was the scariest, making Jane grab him even tighter. Chuuya clearly knew what he was doing.

He completed the landing flawlessly – Jane didn't even notice when her feet touched the ground. But when she did feel that she was safely on the ground, she pulled away (and Chuuya let go) to gasp at the breathtaking beauty of the garden. It was somehow even more beautiful than the main area. There were flower bushes of different sizes and colors everywhere, yet all existed in harmony. A small stream made its way through the edge of the garden, reflecting the sun. The trees cast beautiful shadows on the cut grass and various bushes.

Jane couldn't get enough of the beauty, but Chuuya had eyes only for her. He smiled, feeling serenely calm. It was a nice change of pace for him: being alone with Jane, knowing that no one could call him or her away. He decided to enjoy every moment and let his inner peace guide him.

"Oh, don't you think it's beautiful, Chuuya?"

He took a few steps closer to Jane but maintained a distance. "No matter how hard the gardeners try, you'll still be the most beautiful flower."

Jane blushed in front of him, not having the luxury of running to hide in her room. "Don't say that! It makes me feel..."

"Feel what?" he asked, taking a few steps closer, taking her hand. "I love you, Jane."

Jane flinched and tried to pull away. "No! You shouldn't!"

Chuuya wasn't letting her escape his hold that time. "Why shouldn't I?" he asked, confused.

Jane's panic was replaced with defeat. "Because I have to marry someone else."

Chuuya's eyes widened, making him let go of her hand inadvertently. "You've decided to marry the person your dad picked out for you??"

"It's not that I want to! But I thought about it and realized that I can't keep running away forever. I decided that I should just accept it." She took a few steps away from him.

Chuuya's inner peace was disturbed but in the most positive way. He had so many questions. "But- but- your husband will probably be connected to the Mafia. What about you not wanting to be associated with it?"

Jane gave him a look that basically read I don't remember ever telling you about it. Chuuya had to excuse himself. "Well, the Boss explained your family situation to me after he had looked into it. Sorry if I invaded your privacy."

She shook her head. "It's fine, I don't mind you knowing."

Chuuya wanted to continue the conversation, but he sensed her closing up like a flower in darkness. He had to try something else.

"There's actually a swing over there." He pointed in the direction.

Jane squinted and there it was in the distance. It was so plain and old that she hadn't noticed it before she was taking in the roses and shadows and everything in between.

Chuuya led Jane to the swing and brushed the seat before she could sit down. Chuuya naturally stayed behind her to push her. As Jane slowly moved back and forth and looked at the beautiful garden, immense sadness came over her.

"Please stop." Chuuya did and she hid her face in her hands. Noticing her figure shiver, he sat down next to her in worry.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry. I was so rude before," she said, revealing her face, tear streaks on her cheeks and tears still in her eyes. "Please tell me why you joined the Mafia."

Because of the way Jane had asked, Chuuya decided to answer instead of wiping her tears or hugging her. So he just sat on the swing, close to Jane. He told himself that that was enough comfort for her.

"I thought about it a little bit more after you told me that you wanted to know. It's true that it's not because I enjoy the orders or couldn't use my gift outside of the Mafia. But because of it—my gift—I was alone." He spoke to the garden, not daring to look at Jane. "It's difficult to say, but I inherited a lot of power that I need to control. That's why I'm wearing gloves. The only time I could use my true power was when I had Dazai to nullify it for me. I can't control it myself. I'd just die. That's why we were partners despite hating each other. Now he has the appearance of being good, but he's the same Dazai I knew all these years in the Mafia."

Jane expected Chuuya to get irritated when talking about Dazai, but he didn't.

"I joined the Mafia despite Dazai being there and them manipulating me into it. But I guess I wanted to join because it gave me some kind of purpose. I was also surrounded by people who more or less cared about each other. Maybe some don't, but I care if my subordinates are killed." He chuckled out of embarrassment, realizing he had gone off-topic. "Sorry, I just started rambling—"

He looked at Jane who was crying again ...or still. This time he allowed himself to wipe her tears. "So that's why I'm with the Mafia."

Jane smiled faintly. "My prediction was right. I do understand you better. And it has helped me feel better too, so thank you for sharing."

"Feel better how?"

"About marrying someone from the Mafia."

"No, Jane. There are still some psychopaths who just enjoy killing. You're totally right about not wanting to get involved with all these things. So why are you giving up?"

Jane sighed. "I'm just tired." Her voice was so quiet that Chuuya could sense her lack of energy. "I thought I could trust and be with Dazai, but I obviously can't. I'm sorry for defending him." She looked at Chuuya. "I gave him back my phone and told him that I wanted to cut ties as friends. I didn't have any definite proof and I decided that it was safer not to bring anything up."

Chuuya remembered Mori's advice on mentioning that the Mafia caused the jamming, but he couldn't convince himself that it was the right place to mention that.

"So you're giving up because of Dazai?" he asked instead. That same moment, Mori's words echoed through his head. We'll make her join of her own accord. By using the Detective Agency.

She nodded. "And that's why I think it's better if we cut ties as well. I might actually start to like you a little too much."

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