Chapter 12

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Soon after being stabbed, a weak gust of wind washed over Dazai and he heard someone's heels clicking on the hard floor. At first it was difficult to tell because of the backlight, but soon enough Dazai's worst nightmares came to life.

"Oh, and who do we have here?" the condescending male voice asked. "Dazai?"

"Chuuya." Dazai did his best to sound intimidating, but it was more difficult kneeling on the ground and feeling his blood soak the bandages on his hand. However, the pain from the stabbing was forgotten, the mental torment of Chuuya showing up was much worse.

"Oh, you've got a boo-boo I see. How did that happen? Did you stab yourself?"

"I wonder," he mused.

"Tsk, that's why I hate you. So what are you gonna do? Just sit there?"

"No point in me trying to leave while you're here."

"Ah, that's great because this means I can do THIS," he said as he gave a mean kick to Dazai's stomach and sent him flying, despite Dazai disabling his gravitation gift.

"Dazai!" Jane cried out in fear as she witnessed Dazai colliding with the wall. She saved her breath and sprinted to the opposite side of the warehouse, completely ignoring Chuuya's presence.

She sat down, put her hand to Dazai's cheek, her eyes scanning for the injuries. She took notice of the bloody spot on his stomach, bloody hand and a streak of blood on his face besides. That's quite a lot of blood.

"Dazai, you really are disgusting," Chuuya commented to which Jane finally turned to look at him. "Jane, leave this pathetic man here. He let himself be stabbed, the Dazai would never get injured unless it was strategically beneficial."

Jane looked at Dazai's face. His eyes were looking away at a spot on the ground and he was pulling at his lip. It was obvious that Chuuya was right and Dazai had let the facade drop.

"Why, Dazai?"

"I'm sorry, Jane. I guess I just wanted you to take care of me."

Jane sighed in exasperation. "So you just allowed yourself to be stabbed?! Dazai, that– that's messed up. I'm calling an ambulance."

"No," Dazai stopped her through his heavy breathing.

"Jane, they have a medic at the Agency—the woman I think—call her," Chuuya suggested.

"Alright," Jane pulled out her new phone. "Oh, I actually don't have her number. Where's your phone, Dazai?"

She crawled over Dazai to get his phone from the other pocket and called Yosano. Jane remained sitting down with Dazai, Chuuya stood and towered over them both. Jane didn't mind at all, Dazai minded very much but didn't have any choice.

The trio had to contend while they waited. Dazai inched his hand over to Jane's to hold it, but Jane was looking at Chuuya, wondering why he was there. Chuuya stared at the exit, wishing he were outside and eagerly waiting for the Agency to show up. If this were the Mafia, they'd arrived by now. Gosh! The Agency is so understaffed!

Jane was thinking of things to say to lighten the mood, but couldn't think of anything. So she just sat restlessly, almost saying something but then stopping herself. Just as Dazai managed to grab Jane's hand, sending her a calming look, Chuuya glanced back at the pair. His brows furrowed, but said nothing. His anger against Dazai grew. Thankfully the car pulled up and they were allowed to move.

Jane got under Dazai's arm, helping him stand and walk. Dazai smiled victoriously. Chuuya cringed at the sight.

Having helped Dazai into the car first, Jane was about to follow when Chuuya grabbed her by the wrist. Jane looked back at him in confusion. "You and I should talk," he said.

His tone was stern enough that she felt compelled to oblige. She pulled out from the car. "I'll see you a bit later," she said and waved. The car drove on.

She turned to Chuuya and her smile disappeared. "What do you want?"

"Your phone," he demanded and held out his hand.

Jane was genuinely confused. "Why?"

"Location tracking, listening in, accessing information – all the oldest tricks of the book. If Dazai had a chance to meddle with it (which I'm assuming he did), it'd be best to check."

"But then I'd be in more danger!" Jane protested.

Chuuya's eyes widened. "Why are you even here, Jane?" he asked.

"I wanted to talk to Dazai, so I called. I heard my dad over the phone. Dazai told me not to come, but I still did."

"And you didn't think that it'd be dangerous?

Touché. "And why are you here?" she asked back, dodging the question.

"I had business in the area. Speaking of," he said and made a couple of quick phone calls. "Unless you absolutely can't, I'd like to take you somewhere I think you'd like."

Jane was suspicious. "Where?"

Chuuya tsked. "I'm not telling you if it's possible that Dazai might be listening in. I don't want the Agency to know." Since Jane seemed to hesitate, he added, "Why do you trust that Dazai and not me?"

"Because he's from the Agency and you're from the Mafia, of course," Jane snapped back.

"That's rich, considering that I helped you escape. Did I not treat you well, try to warn you of Boss's personality?" He sighed and adjusted his hat. "That's why Dazai is so annoying – he's the same scheming devil he was in the Mafia, but now he looks like a good person. You don't have to be a brain genius to realize he's wrapped you around his finger."

Jane shook her head in denial. Chuuya... even felt sorry for her. Considering what he knew, Jane must have just wanted to be with someone who was a good person and not involved with anything shady and now was struggling to accept reality. But even then I'm a better candidate, Chuuya thought. But he still tried to mind his wording.

"I know that idiot Dazai very well since we were partners (unfortunately). And I can pretty much guarantee that he really likes you and wants you, but I also see that he's playing with you, testing your limits, seeing how you'd react."

Jane remembered when Dazai had confessed to her that he didn't know her well enough to predict her actions. She also thought back to that morning when Dazai had suddenly decided that Jane was just pretending to like him and told her to leave – but then when they had talked after that, it was as if nothing had happened.

Jane still thought Dazai was a good person, maybe a bit eccentric with his deliberate mood changes. But she couldn't help but admit that Chuuya had a point. And he was right – Chuuya had been awfully kind to Jane, and Jane had just dismissed it.

Two black cars stopped in front of them.

"So, Jane," Chuuya began, "would you kindly hand over your phone for checking?" He held out his hand.

"You will just replace the tracking chip, won't you? Or add one?"

"I'll personally see to it that that won't happen."

"Fine. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," she said and handed over the phone. Chuuya then handed it to a driver of one of the cars. The same car drove off, the other one remained.

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