Chapter 19

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Jane and Chuuya were sitting on a bench in a secret area of a park, both having feelings for each other. Jane had just finished telling Chuuya about her dealings with Dazai, but Chuuya had just had the nerve to say that she was wrong.

"You don't know all the details about the warehouse situation," Chuuya rephrased.

Jane furrowed her brows. "Tell me then."

"Dazai probably wanted to keep you away from the warehouse, assuming that you had already used your gift and were calling to ask why he was there or why your dad was there too."

"That makes sense. Alright."

"I also knew about the meeting, but I didn't know that Dazai was going to be there. I don't know how he knew. I was only told I was meeting your dad."

"Dazai is a mystery. ...Wait, why did you have to meet my dad?"

"Because I'm the man you're supposed to marry, Jane."

Jane sat, stunned. She pinched and grabbed Chuuya's cheek.

"Ouch! Why did you–"

"No!" She interrupted. "Why didn't you tell me?" she yelled. "I thought I had to leave you forever." Jane, furious, stood to leave again, but Chuuya didn't make the same mistake twice. He easily grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into his arms.

"I'm sorry. I know it was much more difficult like this. But I didn't want you to be forced to like me. It was selfish of me. I'm sorry."

"I hate you!" she said, her face squished on his chest.

"Do you really?"

She pouted. "No."

"That's good. I don't know why or how, but I came to like you, Jane. I want you to know that everything I did was to protect you. I know I'm not perfect, so the fact that you didn't run away gave me hope. Well, that sounds like an awful thing to say." They both chuckled. He continued. "I understand your worries about marrying someone from the Mafia – but are you sure? Because I could help you escape somewhere where your dad won't find you and the Mafia won't bother you."

Jane pulled away to show him she was smiling. "Mmm, I'm sure. But only if it's you, Chuuya."

"In that case..." Chuuya stood, pulling Jane up too. But then he got down on one knee. "Will you marry me, Jane?"

The shadows danced on Chuuya's face as a gentle breeze brushed through the space around them. There was even some 'rose' in the air.

Her expression gave away her answer. "I will, very happily."

Chuuya smiled and revealed a ring from his pocket. He gently took her hand and slid the diamond ring on her ring finger, placing a kiss on the back of her hand as if to further seal the deal.

He stood. This time Jane came to his arms voluntarily. He held her close but gently. "You know," he began, "when I went to buy the ring (which I did when I first agreed to the arrangement), I was actually instructing Akutagawa through the com. I didn't want you to know I went to the jewelry store with your gift."

Jane chuckled. "Don't worry, I never felt compelled to find you back then," she teased.

He scoffed sarcastically and pulled her into a kiss. A kiss that was long overdue.

Their final destination of the day was the main building of Port Mafia. As they were about to walk up the stairs to the entrance, it clicked for Jane. "Chuuya! You wanted to propose smoothly. That's why you asked about Dazai! I thought it was a little suspicious but..."

"But you fell for it!" He said, having turned her by the chin.

"I can't believe I agreed to marry such a bully," she fake-whined her way out of Chuuya's hold, showing she was joking with a smile and wink.

Chuuya fake-rolled his eyes. Jane could tell because he was smiling too.

"Shall we?" He offered his arm.

"We shall." They walked up the stairs together.

Riding up the elevator to meet Mori was more nerve-wracking than Jane had expected. Chuuya also felt it because she was gripping his arm.

"Why are you nervous now?" he asked, probably trying to comfort her.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm willingly joining the Mafia by marrying you. Who knows what he'll have me do eventually?"

Chuuya didn't have a chance to reply. The elevator stopped and they stepped out. The guards pointed their guns at them.

"Nakahara Chuuya to see the Boss with Jane."

Jane pulled away from Chuuya, deciding that holding his hand would look better. Chuuya didn't seem to mind either.

They walked the long hallway and the guards opened the doors to Mori's office. Jane couldn't find him at his desk, but Chuuya knew that he was sitting in his armchair, admiring the view of the city and then of them.

"Well congratulations to you two! I am happy you decided to come see me together. See! I even had this two-person sofa put here for you."

Jane couldn't help herself. "So you knew we were coming." That comment sounded like a threat. Chuuya glanced at both Mori and his fiancée. Mori turned to her, but his expression didn't change. "I guess if it's so practical, then I can't really complain," she concluded innocently. "I'm sorry, Sir Mori, I'm still a bit giddy."

"I am happy to see that you are happy," he replied with his usual smile. "Please, both of you, take a seat."

They sat down. Mori, having anticipated this outcome, had prepared a relatively rare wine to be opened. They all toasted to the future.

After some casual conversation, Elise showed up and demanded that Jane play with her. This time, it was a much simpler game of tic-tac-toe combined with a dress-up game, which Jane gladly joined. The men took this time to discuss schedules and technicalities regarding the meeting with the father. He was supposed to benefit from the match first and foremost, after all.

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