Chapter 9

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Dazai and Jane sat down, eating rice and the stew they had made. Jane was somewhat satisfied with the response she'd gotten from Dazai regarding the Mafia and didn't want to continue the topic. She was worried about her future. But she decided that she wouldn't throw that worry onto Dazai's plate. He was already kind enough to let her stay at his place.

Dazai was thinking of anxiety-free things to ask about Jane to get to know her better, but was somewhat struggling. He would have asked about her family and hobbies, but he didn't want Jane to ask these things from him. Thus they ate mostly in silence.

"Aaah that was so good!" Dazai exclaimed after he had finished eating. "Do you enjoy cooking?"

"I know some basic recipes."


"But I wouldn't call myself a good cook."

"So modest. Rock-paper-scissors, loser does the dishes?"

"You're on!"

"Rock-paper-scissors-shoot!" they chanted together. Jane played a rock, Dazai a paper.

"Aah I lost! But it's fine, I wanted to do the dishes anyway."

"I thought so," he said, rising from the low table. "And I wanted to tidy my room a little bit." He disappeared into his room and pulled the door shut. Jane remained sitting at the table, blushing, imagining her and Dazai sleeping in the same room. Don't get ahead of yourself, or else you'll be disappointed when he asks you to sleep in the living room (which would be a perfectly normal thing to do, by the way!).

Jane rose and began doing the dishes and cleaning the whole kitchen. They had made quite a mess. Stew on the stove, carrot peels in a pile on the countertop, the empty wine bottle still chilling on the floor – ah yes, the floor was a mess too. Jane was glad Dazai had given her a pair of slippers to wear.

They both cleaned vigorously and by the time they were finished, the garbage bin was overflowing. "I'll take it out," Dazai decided.

"I'll come with you. I haven't been able to walk much today. I was stuck inside at the Agency as well."

"So you enjoy being outside?" he asked while tying the bag.

"I'm from the countryside after all!"

He chuckled. "I guess that makes sense. I'll get my coat, it might get a bit chilly when the sun sets. Do you have anything warmer to wear too?"

Jane wore her coat too and they exited the dorm. The trash container was much closer than she had expected, but she stood aside, breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the view.

"Shall we?" Dazai asked and offered Jane his arm. Jane took it.

"Where to?"

"Nowhere in particular, let's just walk a little bit more."

"Is it safe?"

"It's okay, I'll protect you."

They walked in silence. But Dazai felt that she was starting to slip between his fingers and decided to talk, come hell or high water. "How do you like Yokohama?"

"I quite enjoy being here once I get used to how big and rowdy it is. But I prefer it to be peaceful and quiet, like at home."

"How far do you live from the city?"

"From there it's two-three hours to Yokohama. Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering."

Jane wanted to ask something about Dazai too but was reluctant to do that because she knew he was formerly from the Mafia. They continued walking, Dazai leading the way. Eventually they stopped in front of a phone service provider store.

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