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Siobhan had never seen anybody's eyes twinkle the way Sara's did. The blond opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out. Instead, she looked up at the ceiling when she realised that her cheeks felt hot. Sara just giggled in response and said "it's a cocktail. It's on the house." With that she walked away before Siobhan could respond.

Sara returned with two prosecco glasses filled with a fizzy pink drink and twisted lemon peels. She walked around the bar and sat next to Siobhan before saying "it's my break time. Not that there's anything to do anyway, so I could join you. If you like, that is." Her smile was so warm and inviting and the only thing Siobhan could stutter was "oh...I...ok." For a few moments, both women sipped their cocktails in silence.

"What's your name?" Sara asked.


"That's a beautiful name. So it's perfect for you." The brunette winked before taking another sip of her cocktail.

This whole situation felt strange for Siobhan. She'd knew that Sara wasn't really interested in her, why would she want Siobhan? Maybe she was fishing for tips, or maybe she was bored but either way, the blond didn't mind the company at that moment. She looked at Sara before suddenly saying "I'm not into women." The brunette looked into her eyes before slowly dragging her gaze downwards. As she flicked her eyes upwards again she smirked and said "if you say so." Siobhan wanted to feel annoyed, but the butterflies in her stomach wouldn't allow it. Nobody had ever looked at her like that before - it wasn't objectifying, it was just pure admiration.

Siobhan cleared her throat and said "you must get bored, on nights like this. Well, obviously, that's why you're sat with me." Why did she feel so nervous? She was babbling like a moron and totally embarrassing herself. Sara sighed a little, "I'm sat with you because I choose to be. Sometimes it's nice to make new..." she hesitated for several seconds before adding "friends..." The way she pronounced the word friends seemed almost like a challenge.

Sara and Siobhan chatted for a while and gradually, the blond started to feel more comfortable with her new companion. Sara's manner was so light and friendly, so much so Siobhan started to imagine what a friendship with the brunette might actually look like. Her loneliness would never be cured if she continued to push people away, maybe she needed to take a chance.

"Is there a reason you're drinking alone? Bad day?" Sara seemed genuinely curious about Siobhan and her life. The blond sighed and made a decision she knew she might regret. "To be honest, I don't have many people I can spend time with." The wine and cocktails had gone to her head and before she could stop herself she continued "I was lonely sat at home by myself, so I came here to be around people." Siobhan had no idea why she'd just admitted that and suddenly she felt ashamed. As she looked at the floor she heard Sara say "Siobhan that must be so difficult. I'm so sorry, but I'm glad you're here and talking about it. So you live alone?"

Still looking down at the ground, Siobhan replied "yes." Sara gently placed her hand over Siobhan's hand on the bar and said "maybe you need something to focus on. You could get a little cat. You look like a cat person." The blond couldn't help but smile at that comment, so she finally met the brunettes gaze. Siobhan was acutely aware that she really didn't want Sara to let go of her hand. As the two women stared into each other eyes, she wondered how it would feel if Sara were to wrap her arms around Siobhan's body and just hold her.

Suddenly, she came to her senses and pulled her hand from Sara's. "I have to go. Thank you for the drinks. I need to leave." With that, Siobhan rushed out of the bar without looking back. She ordered an Uber and waited at the front of the car park, despite the rain. Once she was safely inside the taxi, she wondered what an earth was wrong with her.

IN THE SHADOWS - (TNN - SIOBHAN/SARA/VARIOUS)Where stories live. Discover now