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Once Siobhan and Charlotte had chosen a table and settled themselves, a waiter came over to take their drinks order. He was handsome and friendly and when he turned to look at Siobhan, his eyes widened a little as he asked her what she'd like. Once he'd retreated, Charlotte giggled before saying "did you see that? That looked like love at first sight." Siobhan knew that she should have felt flattered, but she couldn't help but think of the way his eyes had dropped down to her chest and lingered just a little too long. She smiled weakly before replying "he's probably just fishing for tips." Charlotte frowned slightly and started to speak, but she was interrupted by their waiters return. He placed their drinks on the table and turned to leave before looking back at Siobhan briefly. She instinctively wrapped her arms around herself and willed him to just leave.

Charlotte looked more concerned than ever as she softly asked "that made you feel uncomfortable?" Siobhan sighed before replying "I'm still struggling with my body. I know Roger's dead, but I still don't feel like my body really belongs to me." She'd been avoiding the brunettes gaze but as she looked up and into her eyes, she saw how devastated Charlotte was. "Siobhan, what he did to you was horrific. I'm so sorry that you feel this way, it must be so difficult." Siobhan sighed before looking down at her drink, prompting Charlotte to continue "it will get easier sweetheart, you've been through so much." When Charlotte said the word sweetheart it made Siobhan smile. Over the past few months everyone had watched with interest as Mia and Charlotte had become a little more like each other and little less like themselves, in every way that mattered. The blond wondered if there was anything within her at all that someone else could possibly want to replicate.

As the two women chatted, Siobhan felt proud of herself. She was trying so hard and this had been a huge step for her. Momentarily, as Charlotte was telling her all about her recent trip to Italy Siobhan was distracted. Sara had walked into the bar but she wasn't wearing her uniform, instead she was wearing a little black dress and boots, with a leather jacket.

"Siobhan?" Charlotte was calling her name and as she snapped out of her stupor, she blushed. She watched as Charlotte raised her eyebrows and smirked ever so slightly. "Why don't you go and talk to her?" The brunette was making every effort to sound as innocent as possible. Siobhan glared at her before snapping "I don't know what you're talking about." Charlotte sighed heavily "it's alright. Sometimes we can surprise ourselves. Trying something different can lead to the best moments of your life." She paused before placing her hand gently on the blonds arm before adding "the only thing that matters is your happiness, what others think is irrelevant." Siobhan frowned, what on earth was Charlotte insinuating?

Clearing her throat, Siobhan said "I think it's time we got going, I'm so tired." Charlotte looked slightly surprised but she simply smiled and nodded in response. Seeing as Mia had dropped Charlotte into work that day, Siobhan had driven them to the bar. Once she'd taken Charlotte home, she found herself driving around aimlessly and listening to the radio. She knew that she wanted to go back to the bar and she knew that she wanted to see bright blue eyes looking back at her.

When she walked into the bar, she saw Sara sat on a barstool and chatting with the waiter who'd served her earlier. She approached the bar tentatively and simply said "Sara?" The brunettes eyes widened when she spotted Siobhan and the blond immediately had her full attention. "Do you mind if I sit with you?" Sara shook her head and gestured to the empty stool next to hers "of course not, I'd love that."

Once Siobhan was seated she turned to Sara and said "I'm sorry for the way I left so abruptly. You were so kind to me and I was so rude to you." The brunette shook her head very slightly and replied "please don't worry, I wasn't offended. I know you're having a hard time." The blond tilted her head to the side and smiled "well, about that, I actually took your advice." Sara looked baffled "oh?" Siobhan grabbed her phone from her pocket and selected her favourite picture of Elizabeth before showing Sara. A look of pure joy exploded all over the brunettes face as she squealed.

"Oh my god, is it a girl or a boy? What's their name?"

"She's a girl and she's called Elizabeth." Siobhan giggled a little, it really was such a bougie name for a cat.

"She's perfect. Maybe I'll get to meet her one day." Sara winked before turning to her colleague. "Can you make me a Prairie Sweet Kiss?" Turning back she remarked "you'll like that, it's refreshing."

Talking to Sara felt so natural and as the brunette listened so intently to her, Siobhan wondered why connecting with others had always been such a struggle for her. When Sara spoke of her life, Siobhan was fascinated and she felt desperate to know more. She wanted to imagine every facet and aspect of her world.

When Sara looked directly into Siobhan's eyes and asked her "why can't you accept yourself for who you really are?" It came completely out of the blue. How could the brunette be so forward?

Siobhan's heart started to pound as history began to repeat itself. She could feel her chest tightening as one huge sob escaped from her mouth.

She was panicking again.

A/N - the next chapter will be uploaded ASAP. Unfortunately, I am a yapper and this chapter ended up being longer than first intended.

Are we ready for an EXPLOSIVE Shibara argument? 😈

Are we ready to learn more about Roger's treatment of Siobhan?

ALSO - I have been informed recently that Chapter Thirteen of Made Of Glass traumatised some readers. Please be aware that I am currently planning a full apology with tears and a ukulele. In my defence I didn't actually think anyone was reading it. Katie and Lia forced me to write this.

IN THE SHADOWS - (TNN - SIOBHAN/SARA/VARIOUS)Where stories live. Discover now