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Over the next few weeks, Siobhan and Sara worked together to establish boundaries that made both of them comfortable. Occasionally, when something would trigger Siobhan, Sara would sit with her and talk it through making sure not to pressure the blond.

Marjorie had invited Siobhan for a Friday chat and lunch session so as soon as twelve o'clock rolled around, she hurried from her desk and out to the car. They'd decided to go to the pub and when Siobhan arrived she found Marjorie already settled and waiting for her inside. They chatted while waiting for their food but Siobhan could tell that Marjorie was itching to ask her something. "What is it Marjorie?" The nursery manager feigned surprise "what do you mean?" The blond shook her head slightly, Marjorie's attempts at being subtle were always disastrous. "I know you want to ask me something, you're all fidgety. What is it?" Admitting defeat, Marjorie sighed heavily before asking "I just wanted to ask you how things are going with Sara." She paused awkwardly then continued "you know, physically. Last time we talked you said that you weren't sure how you felt about moving onto that stage." Siobhan laughed before saying "well, you'll be glad to hear that we have moved onto that stage. It's still not always easy but Sara has really helped me, she's been so respectful. It's changed the way I look at intimacy and I'm happy, if that's what you want to know." Marjorie beamed in response and nodded "you know I worry. As long as she's looking after you, that's what you need."

Just as they were leaving, Marjorie turned to her and said "I'll see you and Sara tonight. Are you excited for karaoke?" Siobhan only groaned in response, karaoke bars really weren't her thing but it would be nice to see everyone. Plus, this would be the first time she'd brought Sara to an event with her friends and it was making her feel apprehensive.

Sara got ready at Siobhan's with her that evening and once they'd ordered a taxi, the blonds nerves really started to set in. She was aware that Sara had history with certain members of the group and although she didn't particularly care she could only hope that it wouldn't make things awkward. During the taxi ride, her mind began to wander as she held Sara's hand. Just a few short months ago she'd never have imagined that she could date a woman so openly. Sometimes she still felt slightly lost as she navigated through this entirely new chapter.

They were the last to arrive and as they walked into the bar, the first thing they saw was Marjorie ranting passionately at Reece, explaining why they simply had to perform 'You're The One That I Want' from Greece together. Reece was looking at her lovingly but he also seemed slightly baffled. Mia was twirling Charlotte around and clearly trying to make her laugh, while Autumn and Winter were watching from the sidelines.

As the night progressed everyone's boundaries were lowered significantly by copious amounts of alcohol. When Marjorie threw herself down next to Siobhan and insisted that they sing a song together, the blond tried to protest but getting a word in edgeways proved to be impossible. She allowed Marjorie to drag her over to the stage area, watching as she grabbed the microphone. The nursery manager then decided to announce Siobhan to the entire bar by gesturing towards her and shouting "ok everyone please welcome Shibtina Aguilera." The entire group burst into laughter that was so loud it filled the room and as Mia choked out "where the hell did she get that from?" Siobhan rolled her eyes.

For some reason Majorie had chosen S&M by Rihanna and as the music started, she handed the other microphone to Siobhan. Their performance could only be described as an unmitigated disaster seeing as Siobhan only knew half of the lyrics while Marjorie did know the lyrics but she couldn't remember what order they went in. As soon as the song was over Siobhan ran back to her seat and as she sat down next to Sara she immediately wrapped her arms around the brunette. Sara cuddled her back immediately before saying "I don't think you two will be forming the next Girls Aloud any time soon." The blond dissolved into a fit of giggles, although it had been mortifying singing with Marjorie had been quite funny.

As Reece proceeded to depress everyone with his rendition of 'The Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance, Mia and Charlotte settled themselves next to Siobhan and Sara. The red head ended up explaining to rest of the group that Reece had gone through a short lived emo stage when he was younger, much to everyone's confusion. Eventually, she grinned at Siobhan before tilting her head towards Sara and commenting "you two make a cute couple Shibby." Siobhan narrowed her eyes then sighed when Sara asked "Shibby, is that your nickname?" She turned to the brunette and replied "absolutely not" frowning when Mia and Charlotte sniggered in response.

Once Reece had finished he wandered over and asked, "where's Marjorie?" Everyone started looking around, finally spotting her over at the bar with Autumn and Winter. She was actually stood on top of the bar and it seemed like the couple were trying and failing to coax her down. The group watched as Marjorie fell off the bar as dramatically as possible, causing Autumn to roll her eyes aggressively before trying to drag her up to her feet. Reece rushed over and knelt down next to his girlfriend, asking if she was ok. It was clear that she hadn't even noticed she'd fallen off the bar as she grabbed onto his arm and told him that she was going to sing "Red Light Spells Danger" by Billy Ocean. As she rushed over to the stage he pulled out his phone to order a taxi while saying "she's done."

As the rest of the group started ordering their own taxis, keeping an eye on Marjorie's performance, Sara turned to Siobhan and said "you're lucky to have such lovely friends." She looked over at Marjorie before adding "even if they are slightly insane." Siobhan smiled in response, she really was so lucky, at one point she'd had no hope for her future at all. Now all she felt was hope and excitement at what was to come.

When Reece popped outside to check if his taxi had arrived, Mia took the opportunity to grab Marjorie and throw her over her shoulder "right Celine Dion, let's go." She carried her outside and shoved her unceremoniously into Reece's arms "she's all yours big boy, good luck with that one."

That night, Siobhan just wanted to cuddle with Sara and talk. As she felt the warmth of the brunettes body pressed against her, Siobhan smiled as two important thoughts crossed her mind.

She was so happy.

She was never going to karaoke with Marjorie again.

A/N - Thank you Eve for creating the name Shibtina Aguilera, I'm not that creative.

IN THE SHADOWS - (TNN - SIOBHAN/SARA/VARIOUS)Where stories live. Discover now