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"Put that down and dance with me." Siobhan looked over at Sara and frowned. "I can't" she replied before adding "I have so much to do." The brunette pouted just a little "Marjorie and Reece will be here soon and dinners nearly ready. I'll help you finish your paperwork tomorrow. Deal?" Sara flashed her winning smile and held out her hand and as she watched Siobhan stand and move towards her, she giggled. Catching the blonds hand in hers she gently pulled Siobhan into a warm embrace before spinning her around. Siobhan had come to trust Sara completely so when the brunette tickled her stomach lightly, she didn't panic. Instead, she laughed as she wrapped her arms around Sara's waist.

Unbeknownst to the couple in the kitchen, their guests had already arrived. Reece watched through the window with delight, realising at that moment that every hope he'd had for Siobhan had become her reality. He'd finally heard her laugh, completely unburdened by the trauma of her past. The arms that held her would never hurt her and each evening she was greeted with nurture and love. He wrapped his arm around Marjorie's shoulders and said "look at that. She really is healing." He felt Marjorie place her hand over his heart as she softly replied "she is my love."

Once inside, Marjorie made a beeline for Sara. She was nothing if not nosy, so whenever she had the chance she loved to quiz the brunette about her life. Sara didn't mind, she knew that Marjorie simply wanted to protect Siobhan and ensure that Sara's intentions were genuine. Reece immediately sat down next to Elizabeth, tentatively attempting to stroke her. The three women watched in amusement as he jumped out of his skin when Elizabeth took a swipe at his hand. He sighed then remarked "I see she's just as feisty as always. Can't think where she gets that from." He looked pointedly towards Siobhan and smirked. The blond narrowed her eyes in response but she couldn't help but smile slightly, she knew that he was only teasing her.

Sara had made spaghetti carbonara, which had always been Siobhan's favourite dish ever since she was a little girl. Sometimes, Siobhan still felt surprised when the brunette remembered something she'd told her, or made the effort to cater specifically to her desires. Nobody had ever treated her so thoughtfully and recently, Siobhan had worked tirelessly to learn everything about Sara. Her likes and her dislikes, her funny little habits, what made her happy and what made her sad. Roger had never taken the time to know her, he'd barely even seen her as person and as such he'd shared nothing of himself with her either. Siobhan finally felt like she understood what it meant to have a partner who was her ally, not her enemy.

After dinner, the group retreated to the lounge and sat chatting, watching as Reece made several further attempts to win Elizabeth over. Finally, Marjorie told him "I think she's more of a girls girl my love." Reece looked over at his girlfriend and nodded "you're probably right gorgeous." He shifted over and pulled Marjorie against him, before looking over at Siobhan. Tilting his head to the side he said "it's nice to see you so happy Siobhan. I hope you know how proud we all are, you've come so far." Before the blond could respond, Marjorie piped up "honestly you have no idea how pleased we all feel for you. You've been through hell and I'm so sorry that none of us realised for so long." The nursery manager sighed heavily before adding "we love you." Turning to Sara, she smiled warmly "and we couldn't be more grateful for you Sara. Thank you for looking after her the way that you do. I'm so glad to know that she's finally safe with you."

Siobhan felt Sara grab her hand and as she looked over at the brunette, she could tell just how much Marjorie's words had touched her. Sara glanced over at Siobhan before looking back at the nursery manager. Several seconds of silence passed by before Sara shakily replied "I'll always look after her."

Once Reece and Marjorie had left, Siobhan started to clean the kitchen. She could hear Sara behind her and for a moment she expected the brunette to hug her from behind. When she didn't, Siobhan turned to face her before draping her arms around her shoulders. They kissed for a moment and as they moved apart Sara whispered "sorry baby, I didn't mean to creep up on you. I don't ever want to frighten you." Siobhan looked into her eyes and whispered back "you could never frighten me. I trust you completely."

For the first time in her life, Siobhan trusted someone to hold her without hurting her. Her nightmares, her fears, her scars, they were all fading. She had no room for them anymore - her heart was too full of love.

IN THE SHADOWS - (TNN - SIOBHAN/SARA/VARIOUS)Where stories live. Discover now