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A/N - If you're able to listen to music and read at the same time, I would recommend listening to "Could I Have This Kiss Forever" by Enrique Iglesias & Whitney Houston while reading this chapter.

The music was starting and suddenly, Siobhan felt as though she and Sara were the only two people to have ever existed. She'd never been hypnotised, but she wondered if this was what it felt like.

"Dame un beso para siempre

Over and over I look in your eyes
You are all I desire, you have captured me"

Sara caught Siobhan's hand gently before leading her onto the dance floor. In that moment as she took Sara's hand, the past was erased and the future seemed like a distant dream. As the brunette turned to face her, looking intently into her eyes, Siobhan held her breath. She allowed Sara to spin her around, her skirt swaying lightly as she moved.

"I want to hold you, I want to be close to you
I never want to let go
I wish that this night would never end
I need to know"

Siobhan exhaled as she felt Sara's hands gently gripping her waist, encouraging her to move closer. Sara refused to be forceful with Siobhan, so if the blond wanted to bridge the gap between them she'd have to do it herself. Siobhan placed her hands on Sara's shoulders hesitantly, before pressing her body against the brunettes. She wrapped her arms around Sara's neck and as she did so, her mind screamed at her to stop behaving like this. Siobhan couldn't have let go even if she'd wanted to, now that she could feel the magnetic pull that suddenly existed between their chests. As they danced together, Siobhan whispered "I'm not like you."

"Could I hold you for a lifetime?
Could I look into your eyes?
Could I have this night to share this night together?
Could I hold you close beside me?
Could I hold you for all time?"

Sara narrowed her eyes slightly and replied "so you want this to stop?" Siobhan couldn't look away as she simply said "no." Nobody had ever held Siobhan the way that Sara was holding her. It felt like the brunette was touching her waist the same way she'd caress delicate silk sheets that she had every intention of draping around her own body. She held her like she was precious, and something she'd protect until the day the light left her eyes and her soul left this earth. Siobhan didn't know why, but her heart didn't ache anymore and she didn't feel scared.

"Could I, could I, could I have this kiss forever?
Could I, could I, could I have this kiss forever? (Forever)
Forever (forever)"

As Sara moved her head forwards slightly, Siobhan felt ashamed of how desperately she wanted the brunette to kiss her. She felt Sara's breath fluttering against her lips and closed her eyes. The brunette sighed before raising her right hand up to Siobhan's neck and stroking her collarbone. She placed her hand under her chin and gently pressed their foreheads together, before saying "I miss your eyes." Siobhan allowed her eyelids to flutter open and as their gaze met once again, she couldn't take it anymore. She pressed her lips against the brunettes and for the first time in her life her legs felt weak, simply due to a kiss. Their bodies intertwined perfectly and as she relaxed into the kiss, Siobhan didn't feel ashamed anymore. She didn't understand how something that felt so natural and so beautiful could be wrong. Kissing had always felt like fighting to her, but now it finally felt as easy as breathing.

"Over and over, I've dreamed of this night
Now you're here by my side, you are next to me (you are next to me)
I want to hold you and touch you and taste you
And make you want no one but me"

When he'd kissed her, it had always felt like something he was doing to her, or taking from her. As Sara deepened their kiss, Siobhan could feel the tenderness within the brunette's movement. She refused to take anything from Siobhan, instead asking for permission with every action. The blonde had never felt such a deep desire to surrender completely and in that moment, she knew that she simply couldn't say no to Sara. Furthermore, she knew that she would never take advantage of that fact.

Siobhan didn't want to hate herself anymore. The mere thought that someone like Sara could love her made her feel worthy of the life that she'd wasted so much of. She couldn't be any closer to the brunette than she currently was, but it still wasn't enough.

"I wish that this kiss could never end, no, no
Oh, baby, please"

Siobhan felt Sara pull back slightly and break their kiss. The brunette once again rested her forehead against Siobhan's and said "please don't cry. I promise, you're safe with me."

Siobhan hadn't even realised that she was crying. The music was fading and as the tears fell from her eyes, she knew that the spell was starting to break.

She hated her heart for doing this to her.
She hated her head for fighting her heart.
She wanted to stay here forever.
She wanted to run and never look back.

Could I have this kiss forever?
Could I, could I have this kiss forever?

Siobhan could have the thing she so desperately desired, forever.

All she had to do, was be brave.


IN THE SHADOWS - (TNN - SIOBHAN/SARA/VARIOUS)Where stories live. Discover now