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The next morning when Siobhan woke up she quickly realised that she was alone. Usually when Sara stayed over she didn't get up before Siobhan, opting instead to hold the blond within her arms for as long as possible. Looking around, she realised that Elizabeth was also nowhere to be seen. Siobhan felt her heart beat quicken as she started to panic slightly. She didn't even know why she was worrying but her nerves had never fully recovered and she didn't like change.

Making her way downstairs, she sighed with relief when she heard Sara's voice. Siobhan approached the lounge but she stopped short when she realised that the door was slightly ajar, allowing her to see Sara sat on the sofa. The brunette was twirling a long piece of string around rapidly and giggling as Elizabeth repeatedly tried to catch it. After several attempts the fluffy ball of energy plonked herself down on Sara's lap seemingly admitting defeat.

Siobhan finally entered the room and as soon as she did Sara beamed at her. "Morning beautiful, I've made you some breakfast. I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful." Siobhan smiled and nodded towards Elizabeth "looks like you've well and truly won her over after all." The brunette winked and replied "I told you I would." She tilted her head before innocently asking "so where exactly did the nickname Shibby come from?" When other people said that name, it made Siobhan feel uncomfortable. It felt like they were mocking her and disregarding her feelings. When Sara said it, Siobhan felt butterflies in her stomach and it made her heart beat faster. Sara's voice felt like silk being wrapped around Siobhan's body and all she wanted was to hear her speak, no matter what she was saying. Maybe the nickname Shibby wasn't so bad after all.

Once Siobhan had eaten her breakfast she sat down next to Sara and relaxed against her. The brunette always waited for Siobhan to initiate contact, it was still difficult to know exactly what might trigger her and Sara wanted her to feel in control. She wrapped her arm around Siobhan's waist before kissing her nose gently. "I actually wanted to ask you something, but I don't want you to feel any pressure." The blond looked into her eyes trustingly so Sara continued "I'm going to see my Mums for lunch today, at their house. Do you want to come with me? They'd love to meet you." Siobhan didn't respond immediately but her gut told her that she wanted to know more about Sara. She knew that she had two Mums, they'd discussed their families before, but she wanted to truly be a part of the brunettes life. She was surprised by how excited she felt as she nodded enthusiastically and said "I'd love to."

That afternoon as Sara drove them to her parent's house Siobhan felt more nervous than she ever had previously in her entire life. What if they didn't like her? What if they thought she wasn't good enough for their daughter? Sometimes she struggled to believe that herself, so it wasn't as if she could blame them. Would they be able to see her for who she was now, or would every nasty word she'd ever said and every judgemental thought she'd ever had show on her face?

Once they'd arrived Sara let them in with her spare front door key and shouted out to announce their presence. A woman's voice called back advising that they come into the kitchen. As soon as they entered the room, both of Sara's Mums bustled over and started fussing over the couple. They hugged Sara warmly before offering the exact same to Siobhan. The woman with light blond hair smiled and said "I'm Lia." She gestured over to her wife whose hair was a beautiful ginger colour and added "this is Katie." At that moment Katie beamed at Siobhan and said "Sara told us you were beautiful and she's certainly correct. Every time we've talked recently, all she's talked about is you." Siobhan couldn't help but smile hearing that and as she heard Sara mutter "Mum, please" she giggled a little.

Sara's parents wasted no time in showing Siobhan various childhood pictures, each one accompanied by a lovingly told anecdote. Just as Lia was showing her a picture of Sara in her school uniform she said "Sara was always befriending the children who were left out, weren't you darling?" The brunette blushed as she replied "well, I hate seeing people upset or lonely. I always have." As Siobhan watched Sara pouting at her parents she realised just how lucky she really was to have the brunette. Once upon a time, seeing how loving and warm Sara's childhood had evidently been would have filled her with envy. Now however, she simply felt glad that she'd had the happy childhood that she'd truly deserved.

After lunch everyone settled together in the lounge and as they chatted, Siobhan thought how pleased she was that she'd said yes to meeting Katie and Lia. Everything about Sara and her life had proved the old version of Siobhan so, so wrong and for that she was grateful. For so many years she'd never even realised how closed minded she'd been or how small she'd made her own world.

Much later that evening as they drove home Siobhan asked Sara "was it difficult, growing up with two Mums?" The brunette thought for several seconds before replying "yes and no. Sometimes people would make fun of me, but my Mums always reminded me that you can't control others actions, only your own. No matter what, my Mums always loved and accepted me and they always loved each other. They bicker occasionally but they love each other so much and because of them, I've always known what true love really means. So I wouldn't trade them or my childhood for the world."

As Siobhan took the time to process Sara's response she smiled to herself, while looking out at the passing streetlights. The way that Katie and Lia had loved each other had created the woman who had helped her rebuild her heart.

The phrase love is love had never meant much to Siobhan, at least not before.

Now, it meant everything and finally, she truly understood.

IN THE SHADOWS - (TNN - SIOBHAN/SARA/VARIOUS)Where stories live. Discover now