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Over the next few days Siobhan and Elizabeth became accustomed to each other and quickly formed a solid bond. When Siobhan returned home from work each evening, she'd hear Elizabeths paws hitting the floor as she ran to greet her. Finally she had a reason to smile. Every night Siobhan would tuck Elizabeth into her little bed, making sure that she had her favourite toy. Every morning without fail Siobhan would wake to find Elizabeth cuddled up beside her, now in Siobhan's bed and purring softly. They'd cuddle together before starting the day and it had quickly become something Siobhan looked forward to immensely.

When Reece and Marjorie popped over to meet Siobhan's new companion, things didn't go quite as expected. Elizabeth didn't seem too sure about Marjorie but she did allow the nursery manager to tickle her head, albeit only because she was sat safely on top of Siobhan's lap. When Reece tried to stroke her however, the little grey fur-ball hissed viciously before taking a swipe at his hand. Reece stepped backwards and remarked "well, I shouldn't be surprised I suppose. I seem to be surrounded by feisty women." Siobhan looked at him smugly before replying "that's what you get for making fun of her name."

Once Marjorie and Reece had retreated having made no further progress in trying to win Elizabeth over, Siobhan's mind focused on something she'd been trying to ignore. Sara's smile and her twinkling eyes were all she could think of. Siobhan had managed to convince herself that she simply felt guilty for leaving so abruptly that first night. When she remembered the desire that she'd felt for the brunette, she told herself that she'd simply been lonely and tipsy. Siobhan didn't fancy women.

The next day, Siobhan was sat in the staff room eating her lunch when Charlotte walked in. The brunette smiled at her and asked "would you like some company?" The blond smiled back before saying "that would be nice" and as she watched Charlotte sit down, a familiar feeling of shame washed over her. She'd long since apologised to several people (including Charlotte) for her past behaviour, but she still wondered why they were so kind to her. The brunette placed her lunch on the table and asked brightly "how's Elizabeth, has she settled in alright?" Siobhan couldn't help but beam as she told Charlotte all about her new friend.

The two women sat for a little while eating their food and as they did so, Siobhan's mind began to wander. Charlotte was wearing her silver heart necklace as usual. Siobhan had noticed previously that Mia also wore the exact same one. Before getting to know Charlotte, in all honesty Siobhan had considered the brunette annoying and self righteous. Now that she'd actually spent time with her, Siobhan was astonished at just how sweet and kind hearted Charlotte really was. Initially, when she'd heard that Mia and Charlotte were dating, Siobhan couldn't wrap her head around it. After witnessing their love and affection first hand not only did she completely understand, she honestly felt jealous. Somewhere deep down, she felt envious of Charlottes bravery in particular. Not only had she left a situation that no longer served her, she'd taken a chance and followed her heart, disregarding the judgement others.

Siobhan had been so trapped for so long. Roger had destroyed her confidence and broken her body and at one point, all she'd wished for was an end to her pain. Now as she sat watching Charlotte blushing and giggling as she looked down at a text from Mia, Siobhan wondered, why did she still feel so trapped?

Siobhan decided to follow Charlottes lead and do something she rarely did - take a chance. She looked over at the brunette who'd been trying so earnestly to deepen their friendship and asked "are you free for a drink tonight?"

IN THE SHADOWS - (TNN - SIOBHAN/SARA/VARIOUS)Where stories live. Discover now