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Marjorie leant back slightly, allowing her to look into Siobhan's eyes. "Is everything ok? What do you need to tell me?" She spoke softly, hoping that her demeanour would make Siobhan feel comfortable. The blond took a deep breath before stuttering " kissed a woman." She heard Winter gasp loudly and shook her head, that wasn't what she'd wanted to say, it wasn't even the point. Marjorie's eyebrows were raised as she replied "when did this happen my love?"

Siobhan proceeded to explain the whole story, mostly looking down at the ground to hide her embarrassment. When she'd finished she still didn't look up, prompting Marjorie to put one hand under her chin. She encouraged the blond to resume their eye contact by pushing her head upwards gently. "Please don't feel ashamed. It sounds like you've found a lovely connection. All any of us want is for you to be happy Siobhan." Marjorie kissed the blonds forehead once again before resting her chin on top of her head and holding her tightly. She continued "the way you've been treated in the past is no reflection on you or what you deserve. This could be so good for you, you need someone who respects your body and your boundaries."

The past was the thing that was really playing on Siobhan's mind. Over the years, she knew she'd made several comments that were at best ignorant and worst completely and utterly homophobic. When she awoken that morning and realised that she was still enveloped safely within Sara's arms, she'd felt safer in that moment than she had for years. Nothing about their embrace seemed wrong or unnatural and having to get up and leave it had honestly felt painful for Siobhan. When Marjorie released her the blond looked over at Charlotte and asked "was it strange for you, at first? When you realised you were attracted to a woman?"

Charlotte didn't seem taken aback by the question, in fact she smiled slightly before looking up at the ceiling, clearly choosing her words carefully. "Well, all I knew at the time was that being with her was the only thing that soothed my soul. The idea of never seeing her again was so painful it took my breath away. So I went with my gut." Just at that moment, Mia sauntered into the office followed closely by Reece and Autumn. She placed a kiss on top of Charlottes head before smirking and saying "and I'm very glad that you did." The red head turned to Siobhan, her eyes twinkling and remarked "Shibby, you've got yourself a girlfriend. I always knew you were hiding something underneath those judgemental comments."

"AMELIA ROBERTS" Charlottes voice was raised as she scolded Mia, earning a guilty glance from the red head "sorry sweetheart." It never failed to amaze the rest of the group just how much power Charlotte had over Mia. If anyone else even dared to suggest that Mia do anything, let alone apologise she'd make them sorry they were born. All Charlotte had to do was look at her a certain way and before they knew it, an apology was flying from the red heads mouth quicker than the speed of lightning.

Reece was looking at Siobhan with a mixture of concern, fondness and a little bit of hope. He didn't think he could stand seeing her get hurt again, what she'd been through had been so traumatic. He smiled warmly and said "I'm happy for you, you deserve to feel special. When are you next seeing her?" Siobhan blushed a little as she replied "well, she's actually coming to my house tonight. We're going to have dinner." The blond noticed that everyone was smiling, they all looked so genuinely happy to hear her news. Little by little Siobhan really was starting to believe that she could move forward with her life.

As she drove home she felt that familiar feeling of her heart starting to pound. She genuinely liked Sara and she was excited to see her but she was starting to feel slightly sick. Relationships had always been somewhat transactional for Siobhan and she was beginning to wonder what Sara really expected from her. Once she'd parked her car she ran inside to see Elizabeth, scooping her up for a cuddle immediately. After tidying up quickly and pouring herself a glass of wine, she sat waiting in the sofa while trying desperately to calm her nerves. When she heard a knock at the door she jumped, despite the fact that she'd been expecting it.

Seeing Sara's smile as she answered the door calmed her heart a little, but when she saw the bouquet of flowers she was holding, she realised that she'd been right. Each time Roger had hit her, he'd told her at the time that she deserved it. Usually several hours later however, he'd present her with a bouquet of flowers and tell her that he was sorry for being so rough with her, then he'd proceed to ask if she could forgive him. Siobhan would always say yes and she'd always make sure that the flowers were arranged beautifully, placed within an expensive vase. She'd watch as they withered away over the next few days, resisting the urge to pick up the vase and throw it against the wall. The first time he'd stolen her body from her, the next day he'd presented her with thirty blood red roses. Flowers had come to represent Siobhan's pain and humiliation and she wondered now what Sara wanted in exchange for her gift.

Trying to ignore the nausea that was now rising up inside her stomach, Siobhan smiled at Sara and stepped aside.

"Come in."

IN THE SHADOWS - (TNN - SIOBHAN/SARA/VARIOUS)Where stories live. Discover now