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Just as Siobhan was getting ready to leave work the next day, Marjorie came breezing into the office. Smiling widely she said "are you ready?" Siobhan frowned and replied "ready for what?" The nursery manager laughed "we're going for drinks, remember?"

Reece dropped them off, wishing them a good night and telling them that he'd pick them both up whenever they were ready. Siobhan's heart was racing as they entered the bar and she desperately hoped that Sara wouldn't be working. Mere moments after they sat down, she heard a familiar voice. "Good evening ladies." Marjorie turned to Sara and smiled at her, while Siobhan stared at the menu like her life depended on it. She could feel Saras eyes watching her, so when the waitress continued "it's nice to see you again after last..." Siobhan glared over at the brunette and shook her head slightly. Sara smirked a little before saying "...time. Did you enjoy your birthday?" Her eyes were twinkling mischievously again. Siobhan muttered that she did, thank you, but her sullen demeanour caught Marjorie's attention immediately.

Once their drinks had arrived, Marjorie gently caught Siobhan's hand in hers before asking "are you alright my love? You're very quiet." The blond so desperately wanted to tell her friend how lonely she felt but she knew that if she did so, Marjorie would feel guilty. It wasn't her fault that Siobhan felt this way and she didn't want to hurt the woman who'd done so much for her. Marjorie made Siobhan feel safe, so for a couple of hours her heart didn't ache so much.

A little while later, as Siobhan made her way to the restroom she spotted Sara walking towards her. She was clearly coming from the kitchen and when she saw Siobhan she smiled warmly. The blond felt those butterflies in her stomach again and for a moment, the warmth of Sara's smile enveloped her like a blanket. As they met in the middle the brunette fluttered her eyelashes before asking "have you been naughty Siobhan?" The blond was taken aback and as she widened her eyes she replied "I beg your pardon?" Sara let out the tiniest laugh before saying "why didn't you want your friend to know you were here last night?" Siobhan opened her mouth to reply but for some reason, her words failed her.

Sara leaned forwards slightly, before placing one hand on the wall behind Siobhan. For a moment, the blond genuinely thought Sara was going to kiss her, but she didn't. The brunette looked into her eyes for several seconds before very briefly lowering her gaze to Siobhan's lips. Sara pressed her own lips together and looked up at the ceiling, as though she were deep in thought. Finally she whispered "I'll keep your secret, don't worry." With that, she sighed deeply before using her hand to push herself backwards. She turned on her heel, leaving Siobhan feeling slightly breathless, leaning against the wall for support.

For just a moment, a single thought flashed through Siobhan's mind.

"I wish she'd kissed me."

IN THE SHADOWS - (TNN - SIOBHAN/SARA/VARIOUS)Where stories live. Discover now