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Siobhan couldn't stop thinking about cats. When she was a little girl she'd begged her parents for a kitten for so many years but they'd always said no. Once she'd moved out, the idea of getting herself a cat had always been at the back of her mind but for some reason she'd never done it. On one occasion Roger had asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she'd told him she'd like a kitten. He'd laughed at her and told her not to be so stupid. The only reason he bought her anything was so that she could show it off in public, it helped to maintain the lie that he was forcing her to live.

That Saturday morning Siobhan decided to have a look online to see if there were any cat shelters close-by. Once upon a time, she would have insisted on buying a kitten but her perspective had shifted since then. She was hoping to find a companion who needed rescuing in the same way that she did. Maybe they could be hopeful for a better future together.

Once she'd saved a list of local rescues within her notes app, she began her mission. As she wandered around the first couple of shelters she wondered why none of the cats really caught her eye. They were all so sweet but she was convinced that when she'd found her perfect match, she'd just know.

As she entered the third shelter, she sighed as her eyes scanned over the various cages. She was beginning to think that this had been a terrible idea, maybe she really was heartless - why wasn't she finding a connection? Just as she was considering going back to her car she felt something pawing at her ankle. Looking down she saw a fluffy grey cat with bright green eyes looking up at her. A warm feeling was spreading through her chest and as she leant down to pick the cat up, she heard the volunteers voice. "She's only been here a few days, she doesn't actually have a name yet." The volunteer paused as she watched Siobhan cradling the cat before continuing "she's not usually that friendly, she hasn't taken to any of the volunteers at all so far."

As Siobhan looked down into those little green eyes, she noticed specks of gold dotted around each iris and smiled. "Maybe we can be lonely together" she whispered, so quietly even the volunteer didn't hear her.

Once she'd completed the paperwork, the volunteer lent Siobhan a spare carrier. She smiled at the blond and said "it seems like she's chosen you, I don't think you had much choice in the matter." Siobhan nodded in agreement before expressing her thanks. As she drove home, she hoped she'd made the right decision. She'd never had something to care for and she was acutely aware that a little life now depended entirely on her. Siobhan decided to stop off at a pet shop so she could buy a bed, some toys and some food, hoping that her new little friend would be ok alone in the car while she did so.

Rushing around the pet shop, she gathered the necessities as quickly as possible. Just as she was heading to the till she spotted a small collection of collars. A turquoise collar adorned with silver snowflakes caught her eye and as she picked it up, she noticed the little crystal snowflake pendant which was accompanied by a tiny little bell. Her heart dropped slightly as she thought back to the necklace that she'd lost in the fire, it had really meant so much to her. The sound of the bell jingling made her smile and as she imagined silver snowflakes against smoky grey fur, she knew this was perfect.

Once they were settled at home, Siobhan felt more peaceful than she had for a while. The fluffy grey lump that now occupied her lap exuded warmth and affection in spades and finally, she didn't feel so lonely. Siobhan had an important decision to make so for a little while she sat in silence, thinking deeply. Once she was satisfied with her choice, she texted the group chat that Marjorie had added her to.

"Hello everyone, I have someone I'd like to introduce - meet Elizabeth."

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