Chapter 1

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I'm aliveeee.
Did you all miss me? :3

*Sonic's POV*
"Did you hear that?" Amy walked closer to the couch where I was currently laying down on. Just moments before, a loud screeching noise came from the woods near my house.

"Will Eggman EVER give me a day off?" I chuckled as I stood up and fixed my fur. "Guess we have to go check that out." I sighed and looked at my communicator, which had just started ringing.

"SONIC!" A loud and panicked Tails called through it. "It's Eggman! He- Knuckles Dont! KNUC-" The call dropped.

Amy and I looked at each other with worry in our eyes. I grabbed her wrist and did not wait to make sure she was holding on or not. I dashed to the location the call came from. I could not believe what was in front of me.

"NO!!!" Tails was crying while holding onto Knuckles' limp body. Half his torso was bleeding, and his face was pretty beat up. My heart stopped and dropped at seeing the scene, not wanting to believe it. Even Rouge and Shadow were staring in disbelief as I stayed there, frozen in place.

"Watch out!" Amy shouted as she pushed me out of the way. As I fell backward, I watched as she got raised and then slammed back down, getting crushed by something I could only describe as a monster.


Amy was dead...

*Shadow's POV*
It was twice our size, black coated fur with scars all over its body. Other than the size, it looked like one of us, it's eyes were completely blacked out and it's mouth was in a grin showing us its fangs covered in blood, while it did not have a nose, I knew that thing would be able to locate us if we were to hide. We could not let it get to the city. Its movements were so unpredictable,  launching at everything that moved. It was just as fast, maybe faster than me. As it turned to attack a chao, I could see the thing had bat wings, but it also had quills growing further down to its hips. It also had around 8 circle marks in its back. It had been attached to something. Eggman. Eggman created this monster.

"Find him," I growled at Rouge as I got ready to attack. "he should know how to kill this thing."

"I don't think it's a good idea for me to leave you alone. That thing just killed two of our friends!" Rouge pointed out, her voice shaking, she was scared.

All I could do was growl louder. "And if we don't find a way to stop it now, that thing is gonna get to the city and kill everyone!" I shouted, a mistake, I caught its attention. "GO! NOW!" Rouge noticed what was about to happen and flew away without pushing it further.

It launched at me. All I could do was dodge its attacks. It was not giving up. As it threw punch after punch, I realized it was never going to stop until it hit me at least once. It was furious, and I could not find a way out. That was until that pest decided to finally snap out of it and decide to help. I could see tears falling down his muzzle. His blue fur was already a mess. As he spin dashed the monster out of the way, I was able to charge an attack and managed to hit it.

"Are you okay?" Faker asked, his voice was dull, and I saw as he cleaned the tears off his face. "Tails went with Rouge to try and find Eggman. It's just you and me against this thing."

I couldn't get my emotions over this hedgehog affect me at the moment.  As much as I hated him, I knew if I fought with him, we'd both be dead. "Fine." Was all I could say before we both launched at the monster again.

We got a couple of hits, but at some point, it got back on it's feet and started attacking us. A bright light shined from its hand and pointed it at me. Before I could react, it was thrown at me, and I was launched back into a row of trees, taking down some with me.

"Shadow!" I could hear Faker shout as my vision started to black out. I refused to give up and tried to stand. "Stay down!" He kept yelling, over and over again. I could see the light shining brighter and brighter, and then I was tackled down to the floor, my vision blurred, and then... 

"Sh-Shadow..." Was all I heard before I passed.

Please note haven't written a story since... 2020? Don't judge me too hard on it.
But anyways... Hi! Welcome back! Take a seat and enjoy the ride. If you've been reading these stories, you know to be prepared for what's to come 😈

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