Chapter 14

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*Sonic's POV *
I decided to leave the room after about an hour if staying in and went to explore the city. My hoodie was all the way up, blocking from anyone being able to recognize me.

As I turned the corner, finding that I was getting hungry, I was about to head into a cafeteria I had seen, but I was suddenly pinned against a wall and kissed without a warning. I gasped and was about to punch the person away when I realized who it was.

"He went this way!" About four sets of footsteps were heard running past us. Tears started to stream down my muzzle as he now pulled away and I was able to confirm who it was.

"Shadow...?" I said with my ears pinned down. He tensed up and looked at me then growled at me.

"What the hell are you doing here, hedgehog?" He snapped but with a low voice, and then MY anger hit.

I slapped Shadow. Then I proceeded to grab his jacket and started yanking on it as I went on.

"We have been looking for you this whole time...! Why are you here?! How could you not tell us you were alive?! I can't believ-" He pinned me back against the wall again, this time with more force making my head hit the wall then covered my mouth so I wouldn't talk.

"Shut up...!" He shushed me. "Of all the people I had to kiss, it had to be you." He groaned. "Dont think anything of it, Faker. I was just trying to hide." He let go of me.

"From who?" I asked.

"Some GUN agents that have been after me." He explained. "Why are you here?" He looked at me.

"I..." I dropped my ears again. "It's a long story." I answered. He finally let go of me after a while then started to walk away. "Wait. Where are you going?" I grabbed his hand making his ear twitched and immediately slapped my hand away with a low growl. He turned just to give me a death glare. "I have a hotel room. You can hide there and explain why you've been missing for this long. Shadow, we thought you were dead." My voice cracked at the last sentence. 

He stopped walking but was still not facing me. Was it like the Shadow I was with? Did he actually have feelings for me? Or was it not real?

"Please. Talk to me." I couldn't help my tears anymore. I wasn't the same as before the attack. I felt more sensitive, which wasn't good in the presence of this Shadow.

Something about what I said made his ear twitch again then sigh. He turned around and nodded with his arms crossed. "Fine."

It took us a while to get back to the hotel room since we were trying to be careful and not be found by the agents. Once we were in the room, he sat down on the couch as I sat on the bed facing him.

"How's Rouge?" He asked. I knew he would ask about her, as much as he tried to fake he didn't care, she was very close to him. 

"She never gave up. Not when everyone else was telling us to stop, never stopped looking. In fact, she still is." I answered. "What happened?"

"Us?" He raised a brow. "You were looking for me too?"

"What happened?" I pushed.

He stayed quiet for a while then nodded as he started to take off the jacket since we were behind close doors now. He proceeded to explain to me what had happened.

GUN had done this to him, they had sent him to a mission on his own to make it look like he died or disappeared when they, in reality, captured him and were trying to make him into an obedient slave with no feelings, no emotions, they were trying to turn him into a weapon for them. When he managed to escape he knew he couldn't go back home so he left.

"I knew all of you would had gotten in the way to try and help." He said lowly.

Was he saying he cared about the others?

"Shadow..." I sighed. "You're so stupid." I shook my head and started taking off the hoodie. "I could have helped you. We could had gotten you out of that situation. I-" I was cut off.

"What happened to you?" My ears perked up at how fast he asked that. I had forgotten of all the scars I had gotten from Skar and how my ear looked now, a small piece of it was missing, yanked off by one of Eggmans robots. I had claw marks on my torso and on my arms from the fight.

"Nothing important." I said but he shook his head. "Shadow. I like you." I blurted out before he could continue asking about my injuries. "And I know you like me too."

He looked at me shocked then stood up without an answer as he started walking towards the door. "No." Was all he said as he opened the door and was about to walk out. "I don't know what got into you but that's not true."

"I know that you don't like hurting me. I know you regret it afterwards and feel bad. But you don't know what that feeling is." I quickly said as soon as I saw he was about to leave.

"Chaos. What are you talking about, Faker?" He growled and faced me again, slamming the door behind him. I stood up and walked towards him, I kissed him before he could say anything else. He tensed up and pushed me away immediately as his growl grew stronger. "What the-"

Tears streamed down my muzzle without me realizing. Did I really lose him when I went back in time? Did he actually never have feelings for me at all?

*Shadow's POV *
I wanted to help him despite everything but I knew it wasn't a good idea. What he said wasn't a lie but something felt wrong about this. How did he know? I never told Rouge about it and I never let my guard down in front of her either.

I hesitated but I moved without thinking and made him sit down then sat beside him.

"What happened to you?" I asked. I liked him. I did but it felt like he was lying, like it was wrong.

"I-I can't say..." He answered and I rolled my eyes which he noticed and sighed. "Well... I guess I can. I talked to Silver anyways and said I could. I just don't want to..."

"I need the truth. I don't understand how this could have happened to you, Faker and how you even know what you know." I said, not realizing what it meant when I said that.

Sonics ears perked up and looked at me. "I..."

"Shut it and explain." I snapped at him. "This feels wrong when I don't understand what's going on."

"F-Fine." He said then went on to explain to me what had happened to him, what he went through. About us in a different timeline. I didn't want to believe any of it but I knew he wasn't lying, what he said felt real. "I thought I lost you."

"If what you say is true. We were only together for a day. How could you have been so down over a one day experience?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because it was you. The real you." It took me off guard. He was looking at me straight in the eyes as he confessed all of this.

"That's not-"

"It was. But right now you're worried that those agents will get to us, aren't you? You're letting that affect your decisions. You believe me and I know it. Otherwise you would have left by now. Shadow, I saw you die... I saw everyone I cared about die right in front of me. That one day I shared with you, it meant the world to me and I lost it and I thought it was forever. I don't care if you don't want to be with me. I don't expect you to. But I will help you get out of this and make sure you're safe and truly happy."

"There's nothing you can do." I said calmly trying not to say anything about my feelings towards him. What I said made him softly laugh making me confused as to what was so funny.

"I think I'm the only one who could have helped you. If only you would had found me when this started you wouldn't had have to be hiding." He said to me. "Shadow, I think it's time you meet my family."

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