Chapter 5

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*Shadow's POV*
Faker came back with wood not too long after he left. I helped him made the fire than we both sat down opposite each other in front of the fire.

"Do you think the others are okay? I haven't gotten ahold of anyone else all day." He asked as he looked down at his communicator, I could see he was trying to call Cream.

My heart stopped for a moment, thinking the worst. How could we have let this happen? How could Eggman create something so evil?

"It's best if they don't answer, they're hiding, shouldn't make too much sound so that thing doesn't find them." I made up a story.

I have known for a while that this hedgehog was making me crazy, in a different way than usual. I just never wanted to admit it. Didn't want to admit I had a crush on someone who I hated so much, didn't want to admit that I wanted someone close to me.

He looked up at me and slowly nodded then stood up and took off his communicator. I then watched as he tossed it as far away as he could. I was surprised at him doing that but I knew having it on was killing him, it was getting him to overthink everything. I then stood up again and gave him my communicator then watched as he threw it.

"Thanks Shad," He turned to face me but I couldn't look at him, I simply nodded and turned around, I started to walk in direction to a tree but as I got closer, the emerald started to shine.

"One is near." I said as I started to walk in that direction, Faker close behind.

"Chao Chao!" I looked up as I heard that. A chao was holding the emerald as it flew around us now. It then landed on top of Sonics head as it dropped the emerald.

"Awe." Faker smiled, his ears were dropped to his side as he reached and picked up the chao. It smiled and then got out of his grasp and flew away. "Well at least we found one."

"Yeah." I nodded, I could feel my face heat up. Thank chaos it was night. "We should rest now." I started walking back after I picked up the emerald. I tossed it to Faker then went to lay down. This time, I laid down in the grass, and enjoyed as the breeze brushed my quills.

"Goodnight." Faker said then laid down. Not long after, we fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up before him and turned off the fire before Skar could find us. The morning was quiet, too quiet. I didn't like the feeling. I walked over to Faker and slightly kicked him.

"Faker, wake up. We got to get going." I said as I heard a crack. My heart started to beat faster as I notice Faker finally waking up and stretching. He had his guard down, easy target for anyone.

"Good morning." He mumbled, his fur was a mess but I tried not to look and decided to look around. He noticed I was looking tense and got up. "Are you okay?"

"Someone's here." I said lowly as I charged a chaos spear. Footsteps. It was closer.

"We should go." His voice was panicked as he realized that the footsteps turned into running.

I grabbed his wrist, and chaos controlled us away just as a blast of fire was being thrown at us.

*Sonic's POV *
I gasped as I looked around and realized Shadow had taken us somewhere else. I looked around then sighed in relief. It didn't get us.

"Thank you." I said but he growled at me, he was furious. "W-what?!" I asked clearly confused.

"How can you be so careless?" He snapped. "You have your guard down even in this crisis?" He shouted, I've never seen him this angry before. He's snapped at me but because he's wanted me away. But now? Now he sounds...


"I'm okay though, I kne-" He cut me off.

"You're so stupid! You need to have your guard up all the time! You're going to get yourself killed! Do you not care about-" I cut him off this time.

"And since when has that mattered to you?" I crossed my arms with a slight smirk. "Dont tell me I've finally cracked you, Shadz~" My finger pointing at him, close to his face. He slapped my hand away and gave me a death glare.

"Shut it!" He rolled his eyes and rubbed his face. "I can't believe this. Of all people it had to-" He mumbled the rest of the sentence making me kind of confused. "Let's just go." He stopped growling and started walking away.

"That... Was weird." I mumbled and followed him. I took the emerald out and started walking, not noticing I separated from Shadow as my emerald started to slightly shined, it had found another emerald.

"Finally. You're alone~" I was abruptly turned around and was now face to face with Skar.


Nowhere in sight.

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