Chapter 7

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*Shadow's POV *
My ears perked up at what Sonic did and my muzzle turned an even brighter shade of red. I looked down at our hands as he pulled while he walked a bit ahead of me.

"T-There was a chaos emerald where Skar got me. I didn't see it nearby, I hope he didn't get it. We can go back after we find the last one." Sonic said, I could tell he was trying to calm himself down but his muzzle was still very red and his ears were too as they were slightly lowered.

I couldn't believe Sonic felt the same and that he didn't let me finish what I was going to say. I was thankful for that, it would had taken me all day if he hadn't stepped in.

He liked me.

Did this mean he was giving me a chance?

How stupid am I? We are going through a crisis and all I can think is Sonic and being with him. We should be focusing on trying to find a way out of this. On trying to find the emeralds.

"Did you hear me?" I snapped out of it and looked at Sonic, he wasn't holding my hand anymore.

"What?" I cleared my throat and paid attention. We were almost at the top of a mountain and could see everything.

"I think we should head that way. Rouge would have had called your phone if they found another emerald so it shouldn't be where it came from." He pointed out as I took out my phone just to make sure it was on. GUN hadn't called which made me believe that Skar had gotten there before they could ask for help.

I had no messages or missed calls but I did notice the battery was dying. Maybe we shouldn't had thrown our communicators away but it was killing Sonic to have one on so it was for the best. My phone only got messages from people at GUN so Rouge would had been able to communicate with me.

"Right. You're right." I nodded and put the phone away. "But we've gone almost everywhere. The last emerald is nowhere. Maybe someone else has it." I thought out loud.

"But who? Usually our friends tell us when they find one just so we can keep count and make sure Eggman doesn't have all of them. No one contacted me telling me they did Sonic was none of our friends."

"Maybe it wasn't your friends." I pointed out making his ears perk up realizing where I was going with this.

"Metal? Do you really think so?" He sat down on a tree stump. I could see he was tired and realized he was probably hungry too.

"I don't know where else it could be." I sat beside him as I thought of what to do. "We could camp here for now, gives you time to get better from what Skar did and rest. Tomorrow we can go back and see if Skar found the emerald or not. Then go to Eggmans lab from there."

"You don't think Rouge and Tails would had found it? Eggman said Skar had destroyed him." He looked at me and held my hand again, I tried my hardest not to react to that again and let him.

"How many times have we destroyed that thing and it comes back? With an emerald it would had survived enough to get away." I squeezed his hand, too embarrassed and nervous to look at him in the eyes.

"Shadow... You can look at me, you know? You're... making me more nervous by not looking at me." He said lowly. I shut my eyes close and sighed then opened them again and looked at him. His ears perked up and then dropped as his entire face turned red then looked away. "N-Nevermind...!" He let go of my hand then rubbed his face.

I couldn't help but chuckle and moved his hands away. I didn't know what I was doing, I just knew it felt right. I wanted to look at him, he looked so cute. I made him look at me and gave him a soft smile. I couldn't help it. This made him pin his ears down as he looked me in the eyes.

"Whoa." He said very low but still audible.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You're so handsome..." He blurted out, my ears perked up and I chuckled. "I-" He realized what he said. "Sorry. I've just never... I've never seen you smile... or laugh. It's nice."

I hummed in response then stood up not answering him. "I'll be back. Stay here and don't move alright?" I fixed my fur as I stood up. "Dont. Leave. Here." I repeated more seriously this time.

*Sonic's POV *
Shadow chaos controlled out of here before I could ask him where he was going. I took the time to calm myself down and mentally curse at myself over how stupid I was acting. This wasn't the time to fall in love with someone, this was the time to figure out what to do. But I couldn't help it.

I've liked Shadow for years now but all I ever wanted was to at least be his friend. I never expected for him to actually like me back. I couldn't help but feel happy about this but the more I thought about it, the more I realized this was a bad idea.

On the one hand, everyone was dying and everything was getting destroyed because I wasn't strong enough to help defeat Skar. I needed to focus on what to do. My friends and family were gone and I owed it to them to get rid of Skar.

On the other hand, I was happy that Shadow actually liked me. I found happiness in all this darkness, he protected me and tried his hardest to keep me safe. I don't know how many days I have left and I should at least be with someone who makes me happy, right?

Shadow got back a few minutes after he left. He dropped a backpack in front of me making my ears perk up. I looked down at it and opened it. There was water bottles, a first aid kit, and food in there. I immediately grabbed two bottles and tossed one to Shadow.

I didn't realize how exhausted we were until the waters were empty and thrown just seconds after we opened them. Shadow reached for the bags if food and gave me one so I could eat. They were sandwiches. Finally. Some food.

"I was looking for chili dogs but I couldn't find anything.  Sorry." He took a bite of his sandwich and got closer to me. I realized my pain was slowly going away and I looked down to my arm where a huge scratch was there from the first attack. The scratch was almost gone.

"Shadow." I looked at him, I knew he had used his energy to heal me. Even if it wasn't completely, he used his energy on me then went out to find food for us. "Thank you..." I gave him a smile then rested my head on his shoulder.

He finished eating then hesitantly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. His head now rested on top of my head as mine now on his chest. I pushed him down to lay down and soon we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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