Chapter 16

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*Shadow's POV *
"You don't need to thank me, Shadz." He said, trying to force himself to be the way he used to be.

"You gave me back my life." I answered. "And made it less stressful." I confessed. Working for GUN wasn't easy, I knew from the beginning that they thought of me as a weapon but I never imagined they would try to do something like that.

"I meant what I said by the way. You don't have to see me anymore if you don't want to, Shadow." He said as he walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. He wasn't looking at me and he was talking calmly as his finger traced the lid of the water bottle. He then tossed me it and grabbed one for himself. "I may have been born a prince but that's not who I am. I rarely go to the castle."

I was confused. Did he not believe me when I confessed my feelings to him earlier today?

"If you don't want to see me or hear from me, that's okay with me. I only wanted to know you were alive. I know I made your life miserable and I was the last person you wanted to see while you were hiding but-" He went on a rant but I stopped listening halfway through it.

"Faker." I interrupted sounded angrier than I wanted it to come out, he dropped his ears and stopped talking. I cleared my throat and continued. "I meant what I said earlier." I said uncomfortably.

"I-I know but-"

"Shut up then. This is hard enough as it is and you're nor making it easier, what don't you understand? I need you here." I blurted out with a low growl.

Sonic gasped and looked at me shocked then tilted his head slightly and gave me a soft smile and nodded. "I-Im sorry... I'll stay. I was just worried that I may make things worse." He walked towards me then stopped a step away from me.

We locked eye contact then we looked away. This was going to be a pain wasn't it?

*Sonic's POV *
"How about a movie?" I broke the silence and grabbed his hand, guiding him to the couch. "I think we deserve a bit of normalcy, don't you think so?"

Shadow sat beside me on my two seater couch but for some reason he still felt very far away. I hesitated but slowly nudged closer to him until our legs were touching and picked a movie.

Shadow tensed for a second and stayed completely still. I reminded myself not to laugh or anything since I knew Shadow wasn't used to any of this and didn't know what to do or expect from this. I rested my head on his shoulder, I was close enough to his chest that I could hear his heart beat. It sped up for a few seconds as I felt Shadow move his arm around me, resting it on my shoulder and giving me more space to get closer.

We were both blushing but I knew I had to push through and take initiative in most things since I didn't want ti pressure Shadow.

"Hedgehog..." Shadow said in the middle of the movie. I looked up at him, our noses touching making my ear go as bright as his stripes.

"Yes...?" I said, immediately mesmerized by his eyes. They were beautiful. I couldn't believe I was in his arms, cuddling with Shadow at this moment.

"Will you go out with me?" He cleared his throat and covered his mouth as he looked at the TV. I wasn't disappointed or confused, I knew this was Shadow's way to 'act cool'.

I smiled brightly and nodded. "Yes. Yes I will go out with you."


I felt complete. I felt happy.

A/N: I hope you guys liked this story, there's another one coming soon with more sonadow I swear.

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