Chapter 6

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*Shadow's POV *
The one time I get in my head, the one time I start to overthink about that blue hedgehog, I had to lose him.

"Faker?" I was looking around, not running yet since I was trying to listen for anything that will guide me to him.

"Shadow!" I started to immediately run in direction of where I heard him shout. My heart was back to racing, thinking the worst had happened again.

I was able to see his blue fur between the trees and realized he was not alone. Skar was with him, grabbing him by the neck and raising him higher, Sonic was kicking and trying his hardest to get away.


I couldn't let him die.

Not before he knows. Before he knows how I feel.

Suddenly I realized why Rouge kept pushing me so much to tell him, our lives were constantly in danger, we have no guarantee that tomorrow will come. I regret not telling him.

Skars hold grew tighter and I could feel Sonic started to give in. "Shadow..." He whispered.

My anger got the best of me and I launched at Skar. I managed to hit him once, making him drop Sonic as he coughed and gasped for air. I threw punch after punch and threw spear after spear.

How could he?

How could he hurt him?

I'll kill him.

"Sh-Shadow...!" Sonics voice was raspy as he tried to reach me but he stumbled. It only angered me more as I saw how much he was hurt.

*Sonic's POV *
I didn't understand why he was so mad, he was receiving punch after punch as he did manage to get some into Skar but Skar was still stronger. I didn't want Shadow to die so as soon as the earth stopped spinning under me, I dashed in between them and got kicked on the side making me fall to my knees.

Shadow's ears perked up and immediately picked me up then skated away. My world was spinning again and the speed we were going was not helping the uneasiness in my stomach. "Stop..." I covered my mouth as I moved in his arms, I could hear his heartbeat and noticed it was beating faster than it should be. I didn't have time to think more about it as Shadow stopped and I got off his arms.

"Are you-" He stopped as I dashed to a tree and bent down holding my stomach and threw up. "Oh. Sorry." He apologized.

Shadow apologized. That was odd. That was new. I cleaned my mouth and spit out blood from when Skar punched me before he grabbed me by the neck. I touched my neck and looked at Shadow with a brow raised.

"W-Whats wrong with you? You're being nice." My voice was still raspy and very low.

Shadow walked closer to me, not looking at me in the eyes but at my neck. His muzzle was a different shade but I was confused a disoriented after everything that happened.

"I need to tell you something..." He said, clearing his throat. He was about to reach for my neck but stopped and sighed. He turned around and rubbed his face then guided his hand back to his quills and groaned in defeat.

"You're scaring me." I dropped my ears thinking the worst.

Was it Tails...Rouge...? Did something happen to them...?

Then I noticed Shadow getting mad at himself and his muzzle turn a light red shade. "Hedgehog... I think I should tell you... I-" He sighed, he was giving me his back now.

I realized where things were going, I calmed down and softly smiled. "Shadow." I said calmly and walked to him. I knew it wasn't easy for him. So I made it easier. My ears turned a bright shade of red, the color of Shadow's stripes as I got closer and held his hand, intertwining our fingers. "L-Lets go..."

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