Chapter 12

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*Tails' POV*
We watched as Sonic fell to his knees and cry. My ears dropped as I knelt down beside him and rubbed his back. "Sonic...?" I said softly but I don't think he heard me. He was mumbling something.

"He's dead...." and "I'm sorry..." Was what I could make out. "Shadow..."

"Maybe he's looking for this?" Amy walked into the room holding some kind of device I didn't recognize. I grabbed it out of her hand and examined it. "I don't know what it is either. He was holding it when he got here, wouldn't let it go until he passed out on my couch."

"Did Mr. Sonic say who did this...?" Cream asked scared. She wanted to be here no matter how much we told her to stay behind, he had managed to sneak in.

"No, sweetie. And you shouldn't be here." She grabbed Creams hand and walked her out.

"What is it Tails?" Knuckles asked me as I kept looking at the device. There was something odd about it.

It looked like my technology but also... Eggmans? "It looks like this is mine but...- Hey!" Sonic snatched it out of my hands.

"You found it!" He said. It looks as if be hadn't heard us at all. He stood up without waiting and tried to get out of the room but I blocked the way. He looked down at me and shook his head, snapping out of whatever was wrong with him. "I need to do something." He said as he cleaned his tears. "I can't let more people die. Get out of my way, Tails."

"Who did this to you?" I asked as Knuckles got behind him. We had the same idea. If he tried to run, he'd grab him and hold him back.

"That doesn't matter. What matters now is that I can stop it. Get out of my way."

*Sonic's POV *
I knew Knuckles walked behind me so he can try to restrain me. They've done that to Shadow and me many times before, I can already predict when it will happen.

"Was it Shadow?" Tails asked taking me off guard.

"What?" I asked confused as I could see Rouge looking at us, looking... hurt?

"What did you say?" Rouge asked. "You know it couldn't had been Shadow." She was mad.

"Wait... what?" I was even more confused now.

"Did Shadow do this to you? Did he hurt you? When you were on the floor, you mumbled his name." Tails said as I looked down at my hands looking at the device.

"No. I swear I will explain later. Now I have to go." I said hoping he'd get out of the way.

My mind was still on trying to destroy everything before Eggman could start working on Skar. I didn't want that future again. I could still see the people dead in the streets, the buildings collapsing and fire almost everywhere. The sky had turned grey and the smoke was everywhere too. I wanted to go out and enjoy the view this time. I didn't take it for granted before Skars attack but I also didn't admire it as much I should have.

How easy things can get taken away, you don't know how important they are until they're gone.

I noticed they were never going to get out of my way so instead of waiting, I jumped out the windows, getting some cuts in the process but I didn't care. I ran and ran as fast as I could to Eggmans lab. Not letting anything or anyone stop me.

"You- Blue pest!" Eggman shouted as I broke his door down. He seemed to stop in shock at the scars in my torso for just a second then shook his head and ordered an attack from me. I saw Metal was about to attack but I knew if I just talked to him. If I just explained what was going to happen if I didn't stop him then he'll let me through.

"You need to let me through, Metal." I said at him as I spin dashed him then jumped back. "I'm trying to stop Eggman from doing something in the future. You'll end up dead too if I don't do something about Skar." It seemed Skars name took him off guard.

"What are you talking about Hedgehog?" Eggman yelled as he ordered Metal to keep attacking me.

Metal didn't listen and just stopped fighting making Eggman even angrier. I gave the device to Metal, I knew I was risking it by trusting him but there was nothing else I could do when other robots were attacking me. He then skated off to Eggmans computer, already knowing what to do.

I looked around as I watched Eggman chase after Metal. I was surrounded, there more robots than I could count and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to defeat them all in the state I was in. I was not used to fighting alone but this was my battle, not anyone else's.

I needed to keep fighting until Metal destroyed everything... and that's exactly what I did.

Spin dash after spin dash. Punch after punch. I did nit give up.

I didn't give up when I got hit where I was injured. Not when I got my ear scratched, not when I was pushed down. I kept up the fight. It was easy to destroy these robots but it was hard when more would come after getting destroyed. I wasn't desperately trying to keep on my feet but at some point 4 of them pushed me down.

I tried to fight back and get back up, punching them out of the way but it was no use. More and more kept piling on top of me. I shouted in pain as I felt the heavy weights of the robots right on tip of my already opened stitches.

Will I make it? Will Metal actually help me accomplish my goal.  He had to. I believed in him, I trusted him. Not something so safe after everything he's done to me. I mean he was programmed specifically to destroy me. But I knew... I knew he would do this. I wanted to continue believing he was going to help.

My vision was dark, I couldn't see light anymore from the robots being in the way. My breathing was heavy. I wasn't going to make it.

I then felt as the robots shut off and fell. I was able to push them off me and look around. Panting heavily.

I did it... Skar was never going to exist. My friends... My family... they were going to survive. There will be no casualties. Eggman was never going to win and I will make sure to always keep an eye and make sure he never gets to create something like him again. I started to dissappear. 

Next time I opened my eyes, I was home, laying down on my couch.

"Did you hear that?" Amy asked as she walked closer to me from the kitchen.

"What?" I panicked realizing this was familiar. Then something clicked.

"I heated up the waffles in the toaster. That's it. They're ready." Amy said to me making me relax.

It changed. It never happened... I did it.

I immediately stood up and ran to her then hugged her. I wanted to ask about Shadow. I wanted to see him. I wanted to tell him how I feel now that I know he feels that way. Even if he doesn't know he feels that way yet. That was all I could think about now. Maybe I can finally be happy with him.

"Where's Shadow?" I didn't wait anymore. I asked as soon as I pulled away. "I need to talk to him."

"Sonic did you hit your head?" Amy asked confused.

"What do you mean?" I chuckled clearly confused as well.

"Shadow's been missing for 2 years now, remember? He never came back from that mission GUN sent him." My heart broke.

"W-what...?" I stumbled back. Suddenly I remembered Tails words. Using the emeralds to go back in time... it was going to take something away from me...


How evil would I be if I ended the story here?
Some stories don't have happy endings after all...

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