Chapter 13

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A/N: Just kidding. Enjoy the chapter!


*Sonic's POV *
I live each day wondering what had happened to Shadow. He was pronounced dead at the year mark but Rouge and I kept looking for him. I didn't tell her about what I had gone through, that was my secret to keep. I wasn't going to make them worry about me or what I went through or have them worrying for the rest of their lives that Eggman might created Skar all over again.

It was something I needed to deal with by myself, plus I didn't know how the whole traveling through time thing worked. Will it cause any problems if anyone else knew about a story line that never happened? I would have to ask Silver but I didn't have the energy to even try to find a way to contact him.

Days passed, soon they turned into weeks and then months. At he 6 month mark of me being back I decided to talk to Tails. I explained to him that I couldn't give him any details but that he needed to keep an eye on Eggman. Make sure he never worked on something so powerful.

"Where are you going?" Tails asked curiously as he started working on a way to monitor Eggman.

"I think it's time I go back home, Bud." I confessed.

Life wasn't the same, I was constantly having panic attacks and waking up to the slightest sound. I was afraid and I was broken. Shadow was gone before we even had the chance to properly be together. I needed to find something to make me feel calm again, happy again. I couldn't just stay here when just the sight of Eggman made me think about what happened.

"You really think its time?" Tails asked concerned for me now. "I don't understand. What happened to you?" Tails walked towards me and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him instantly as well.

"I can't talk about it." I sighed then pulled away. "Its complicated but it's made me realize I need to move on, Bud. It's been over 2 and a half years since Shadow disappeared." The year I went back to to stop Eggman, that's when Shadow dissappear, not too long before I had gotten there.

"Is that what this is about? Shadow? But he hated you."

"He didn't hate me." I said with certainty. "He just didn't know how to feel or act." I sighed as I took out a flyer I had been holding onto for the past 6 months. The flyers Rouge and I had been putting up in hopes that we'd get even a single clue to what happened to him. A missing persons flyer of Shadow.

"Are you telling the others?" Tails asked not really understanding why I was so sad about Shadow being gone.

"Can you give them these?" I crumbled the flyer and tossed it in the trash. It was of no use now. I gave Tails a stack of handwritten letters. "I hope this explains enough for them."

The letters contained the reasoning of ny leaving, confessing to them that I was of royal blood, that I will be leaving the team and go back home. And that I will never fight Eggman again for as long as I live there.

I watched as my best friend drop his ears at seeing the letters. He knew he wasn't going to be able to convince me to stay and didn't fully understand anything I was saying but he trusted me and he cared enough for me to let me go. He walked closer and hugged me.

"I can visit, right?" He pulled away.

"Are you kidding? Of course you can." I rubbed the top of his head, without as much energy as I usually did. He chuckled lightly then nodded as we said our goodbyes. 

As I headed to the castle, all I could think of was of what my future would be like. The more I thought about it made me realize this isn't what I wanted. So once I was standing in front of the gates, I took in a deep breath and let it out. Once I was calm enough, I knew what to do. I turned around and simply walked away.

It had been a week and so of camping out when I finally decided I was as far away from home as I wanted. I knew I couldn't be living outside for long so I decided to head into the closest city I could find and go into a dinner where I sat and ordered a drink. It was close to midnight already so I decided to stay until morning and then go look for a place to stay at.

I passed the hours chatting with the waitress that was across the counter and asked for advice on where I should go. She gave me a hoodie as well once people started to come into the dinner and started to recognize me.

"You need to do something about your fur, Hun. Specially if you're trying to hide or be someone new." She said to me as I put on the hoodie and slowly nodded. "There's a place next door where you can rent."

"Thank you. I think for now I'll just keep a hoodie on." I smiled at her and paid for the drink I had gotten about six hours ago. She laughed softly and returned my money making me look again.

"Come again soon." She gave me a smile and I nodded, assuring her I will then I walked out the door and into the next door building where I quickly got an application and signed up for an apartment then walked to a nearby hotel where I got a room for the day.

Where will my life go from here...?

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