Iceland sees ghosts and almost shits himself (warning jumpscare)

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EIceland ran off when Malaysia got up to open the door, he knew it was Norway so he ran off. He ran kinda fast and ran, somewhere, he's not to familiar with Malaysia. So he was lost great. He was a bit worried he was lost in Malaysia, but look on the bright side he wasn't near the nordics or microbrats! So he walked on with no fear.

"No more nordic faggots to annoy me or wannabe nordic and wannabe County." Iceland said knowing that he wouldn't die in random Malaysian place.

As he kept walking, he noticed the background change. BUT AT LEAST HE WAS AWAY FROM SCANDINAVIAN FAGGOTS. Soon he was near a house that looked abandoned , no more like a mansion. He was going to live there. He went inside and took out his diary. NOW NO ONE CAN LOOK AT THE GAY PORN HE MAKES OF HIMSELF WITH HONG KONG AND FRIDGE.

I finally left the Scandinavian hel


Iceland got jumpscared his diary was taking away from him.

"Woah whats this!?" A mysterious girl who sounded 6 said.

"I can't read that!" Another young girl said.

"I don't think any of us can... " another girl said.

Iceland was like, wtf. So he went to see who was talking. He walked around the mansion. He found something damn shocking.


Icy was gonna shit his pants the mansion was haunted by 1800 dead ghost doll girls. The 3 girls were looking at his diary.

"Hey.. uhm... y y y y y y you ggggg guys...." Ice said almost shitting himself

"Did you hear that"

"Hear what Analise"

"A voice"

"What voice"

Then Analise pointed at Iceland. Iceland was going to shit himself, until HE BECAME A REAL MAN, NO MORE GAY FEMBOYNESS. HE WALKED UP TO THE GIRLS AND SMACKED THEM.

"What was that?"

"Why aren't you dea- fuck" Iceland is fucking stupid. He just snatched the diary and wanted to run.

"Alora don't invite people like that" Analise said

"I did not cause this" Alora yelled

"This better not happen agian" Nancy said

Diary of an iceland (aph iceland x hong kong x fridge love triangle) crackWhere stories live. Discover now