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"Has it been 60 minutes yet? Feels like forever." Leila said with a pout as she jumped beside Reece while on the couch. Reece chuckled at Leila's impatience, rolling his eyes playfully. "Sorry, Lei, it's only been about 10 minutes."

As the minutes ticked by, Leila continued to fidget and pout, clearly getting impatient. Reece tried his best to distract her with different games and activities, but nothing seemed to hold her attention for more than a few minutes. After a while, nearly 45 minutes had passed, and Leila was still restless. Reece let out a sigh and glanced towards the bedroom door again, hoping Tatiana would soon emerge.

The moment Tatiana stepped out of Reece's bedroom, Leila ran at her for a hug. Tatiana managed to stay upright as Leila ran into her arms, returning the hug with a warm smile. "Hey, bub. You miss me?" Reece, who had been watching the scene unfold, chuckled at Leila's eagerness. "She's been counting the minutes since you went to bed." Tatiana's eyes twinkled with amusement as she held Leila up in her arms. "Naww aren't you the sweetest!"

Leila beamed at Tatiana's words, clearly enjoying the attention. Reece couldn't help but smile at the interaction, appreciating Tatiana's ability to handle his daughter's clingy nature. "She's been driving me crazy, desperately waiting for you to wake up." He joked playfully, his eyes affectionately on Tatiana.

Tatiana gave a gentle laugh as she walked closer to Reece while holding onto Leila. "Next time I'll be okay if you decide to wake me up after 20 minutes." Tatiana said with a grin. Reece chuckled and raised an eyebrow in a playfully skeptical manner. "And here I thought I was being considerate by letting you rest."

Leila, still in Tatiana's arms, seemed content now that she had her attention. She rested her head against Tatiana's shoulder, her energy seemingly calmed. "Alright, let's get this princess party going." Tatiana cracked a smile of mischief as she wiggled her eyebrows at Leila.

Leila let out an excited giggle, her eyes lighting up with anticipation. She wriggled in Tatiana's arms, clearly eager to begin the princess party. Reece, amused by Tatiana's playful expression, chuckled and shook his head. "Ah, the chaos that's about to ensue..." Tatiana paused for a moment, licking her lips. "Ah— we'll have to run to the shops to get the things we need huh.. And maybe if dad's good we'll get him a feed?" Tatiana looked back and forth between Leila and Reece.

Leila looked at Tatiana curiously, not quite understanding her playful suggestion. Reece, on the other hand, caught on to Tatiana's meaning instantly. He rolled his eyes dramatically, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "You two are teaming up against me now, huh?"

Tatiana chuckled and threw Reece's car keys at him, holding Leila on her hip. "C'mon, put your shirt on love, hurry up." Tatiana told Reece with a giggle. Reece rolled his eyes once more, catching the keys with one hand. "Alright, sheesh. So impatient." He walked over to his room to grab a shirt, quickly putting it on and re-emerging a few minutes later. "Happy now?"

"C'mon c'mon we wanna go." Tatiana dragged out jokingly as she jumped with Leila in her arms. Reece chuckled at Tatiana's playful antics, shaking his head in mock disapproval. "Okay, okay, we're going. Calm down, you two."

Reece walked over to them and took Leila from Tatiana's arms, giving her a quick kiss before they headed out to the car. Tatiana smiled and got into the passenger seat as Reece put Leila in her car seat.

Reece strapped Leila in her car seat before taking his place in the driver's seat. He started the car and looked over at Tatiana with a amused expression. "You two are going to be trouble together, I can tell." Tatiana gave a playful gasp as she looked at Reece. "My father is still a lawyer you know, I could sue you for defamation, trashing my good name like that."

LOVE THY ENEMY - REECE WALSH. Where stories live. Discover now