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"You have brought disgrace upon our lineage with your failure once again ! The Adityas mock us while you cower like weaklings before them !" Diti thundered, her words filled with disappointment and bitterness.

Her eyes blazed with fury as she paced the dimly lit halls of her sons' palace. The daityas, with their menacing appearance, stood meekly with heads bowed in front of their enraged mother. Dressed in sagely attire that belied her seething anger, Diti's voice echoed through the chamber as she berated her sons for their defeat to the devatas, "You have failed me once again ! The devatas have triumphed over you, my own sons. How can you ever hope to be great if you cannot even defeat your enemies ?"

One of the daityas dared to speak up, his voice trembling. "Mother, we fought with all our might. The devatas had the advantage this time by bringing-" "Excuses! Weaklings and cowards, all of you !" Diti cut him off with a sharp gesture, her voice echoing off the stone walls.

Another daitya, with a voice like gravel, spoke up. "The devatas had Vishnu on their side this time. How can we compete with that power ?"

Diti's face darkened, a mix of anger and resignation. She knew the truth in those words. As long as Vishnu sided with the devatas, victory would always elude the daityas. The sense of helplessness washed over her, a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Vishnu..." she whispered, her voice laced with defeat. "As long as they have Vishnu on their side, we are destined to fail."

A daitya, more resolute, added, "We need a powerful god on our side to tip the scales in our favor. Only then can we rise victorious."

"Mahadev and Brahmadev shall grant us boons and weapons, but that Vishnu shall find a way to break that. He always does." Another daitya said.

One daitya sighed, "There is no god as strong as Vishnu who'll fight for us. He can defeat everyone."

Diti's eyes dart around the dimly lit palace, her mind racing for a solution to her sons' continuous defeats. She paces back and forth, the weight of disappointment heavy on her shoulders. Frustration simmers beneath her composed exterior as she contemplates the seemingly insurmountable challenge before her.

Suddenly, a glimmer of realization flashes across her face, and a sly smirk curves her lips. A plan begins to take shape in her mind, fueled by vengeance. She stops pacing and stands still, her gaze focused and calculating. As the pieces fall into place, Diti's confidence grows, replacing her initial disappointment with a newfound sense of purpose.

"Then we need a god whom he will hesitate to fight." Diti, a glint of determination in her eyes, said, "We need Vishnu's son-in-law."

"Shreeshaktiswar ?" The daityas exchange uncertain glances, their doubt palpable in the air.

"Yes." Diti smiled wickedly, "He is the one Vishnu will not want to confront, out his regard for his dear daughter."

"And why would Vishnu's son-in-law, Srinav, ever fight alongside us ?" One daitya asked.

Another spoke up, "Also, Srinav is a good friend of Indra, he is the brother of Kartikeya, the commander of devatas. He will never fight with us."

Diti chuckled darkly, "He will when he becomes one of you."

The daityas looked at each other, uncertainty written on their faces, "One of us ? You want him to be born from your womb ?"

"If he becomes your brother instead of Kartikeya's, then he will have no choice but to stand by our side." Diti's smirk only grew wider, her mind already plotting the next move in their quest for victory.


Diti playing with fire 🌝

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