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In the dimly lit chamber of the late Ketunemi, the investigators moved silently through the room, their eyes scanning every corner for clues. Ajashakti stood in the center of the room, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the scene. His expression was grave, his mind consumed with thoughts of treachery and conspiracy.

His gaze was fixed on the investigators, his jaw clenched in anticipation of what secrets they might reveal.

They were inspecting the intricately carved sandooks, hoping to find clues hidden within the compartments. The smell of ancient scrolls and musty parchment filled the room as they carefully unraveled each one, searching for any hint of Ketunemi's involvement in a conspiracy.

Some of them, sifted through scrolls, letters, and parchments meticulously laid out on the desk. Each document was scrutinized, every word read with utmost attention. The flickering candlelight cast shadows on their faces, intensifying the tension in the room.

The sound of rustling papers filled the room as the investigators meticulously combed through every inch of the desk, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for the truth.

Suddenly, a hushed murmur broke the tense silence as one investigator's sharp eyes caught sight of a particular letter. As he read its contents, his eyes widened in realization, a mix of shock and revelation playing across his face.

As Ajashakti stood with a furrowed brow, the investigator approached him cautiously, holding out the letter. Ajashakti's piercing eyes locked onto the parchment, his expression growing even more intense.

"Asur-raj, this !" The investigator said.

Ajashakti's hand reached out to take the letter, his grip firm as he unfolded it swiftly. The contents of the letter seemed to confirm his suspicions.


Our conquest of Swarg draws near, and I am grateful for your loyalty and dedication. However, there is one final task that I must ask of you - the removal of Ajashakti.

His power threatens our future plans, and it is imperative that he be killed. I have devised a plan that will ensure Ajashakti's demise. We will strike when he least expects it, catching him off guard and vulnerable. Once he is out of the way, we can proceed with our conquest and claim our rightful place as rulers of Swarg.

As a token of my appreciation for your service, you will have Anugamini as your reward. She will make a fitting companion to you as we embark on this journey together.

Yours in victory,
Danav-naresh Pralayant

As Ajashakti reads the letter, his eyes widen in shock, then narrow with anger. His hands tremble with rage as he holds the parchment. Betrayal burns in his heart like a raging fire, his mind reeling with the realization of the depth of deceit. The bond he had treasured with Pralayant shatters into a million pieces, replaced by a seething sense of betrayal and hurt.

His jaw clenches, muscles tensing as he struggles to contain the storm of emotions within him. The investigators sensed the shift in the atmosphere and stood frozen, awaiting their emperor's command.

Ajashakti's voice thundered through the room, "I summon everyone to the courtyard this very moment !"

He then stormed out of the room, his footsteps echoing with determination. The air crackled with tension, and his loyal subjects could sense the storm brewing within their Emperor. The room was filled with tension as the investigators exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the gravity of the situation.
In the grand courtyard of the palace, the daityas and Danavas had gathered, their murmurs filling the air. The air was heavy with tension and uncertainty, as no one could fathom why Ajashakti had chosen this setting instead of the grandeur of the royal court.

Pralayant stood amongst the gathered crowd in the grand courtyard of the palace, his heart pounding with anticipation and uncertainty. He harbored a flicker of hope amidst his doubts, because Ajashakti had called him specially. Perhaps the emperor's special summons indicated a desire to bestow upon him a great honor or a pivotal role in their impending conquest.

As he scanned the crowd, Pralayant's eyes gleamed with ambition and determination, ready to seize any opportunity that came his way. Suddenly, a procession of Daityas emerged, led by Vakrang. Behind him, Ajashakti himself strode in, radiating power and authority. He held his bow with a regal air, a quiver of arrows adorning his back.

An ornate umbrella shielded him from the sun, held aloft by diligent servants. Flanking him were two daitya maidens, fanning him with grace and reverence. A formidable cohort of Daitya soldiers followed in disciplined formation, creating an imposing spectacle that commanded attention and respect.

Pralayant's heart pounded with excitement and expectation, convinced that this grand display heralded great opportunities and rewards for his loyalty. Little did he know that the emperor's intentions would soon be revealed, altering the course of destinies.

As Ajashakti's piercing gaze swept across the courtyard, the atmosphere grew tense. Whispers ceased, and all eyes were fixed on the King of Asuras as he finally locked eyes with Pralayant.

A shiver ran down Pralayant's spine as he felt the intensity of Ajashakti's cold stare boring into his soul. The air seemed to thicken with unspoken tension as the emperor's expression turned steely, devoid of any trace of warmth or mercy.

With a subtle gesture, Ajashakti commanded his Daitya soldiers to advance, creating a clear path that separated Pralayant from the rest of the assembly. The Danavas were pushed aside, their murmurs of confusion drowned out by the sound of marching feet. Vakrang watched the scene unfold with a mixture of confusion and apprehension. His eyes darted between Ajashakti and Pralayant.


The first case of forgery 🤣

AJASHAKTI ANUGAMINI : An HHS SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now