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Ajashakti's voice boomed in the entire courtyard, "Pralayant, you stand accused of joining hands with Ketunemi, to betray me after our conquest. Tell me, is this the loyalty you swore to me and our races ?"

Pralayant's eyes widen in shock at the false accusation, his mind racing to comprehend the betrayal. Vakrang looks on between the two, his expression a mix of confusion and concern, unsure of what to make of the sudden turn of events.

With a trembling voice he spoke, "My lord, I swear by the bloodline of Danavas, I have never conspired against you nor have I allied with Ketunemi or any Rakshasas. This is a grave misunderstanding, I beg you to believe me."

Vakrang interjects, his voice laced with skepticism, "Ajashakti, are you sure about this accusation ? Pralayant has always been loyal to our cause."

With a steely gaze, Ajashakti takes out the crumpled letter tucked in his waistband, unfolds it, and hands it to Vakrang. He read it with growing disbelief. The letter revealed a clandestine alliance between Pralayant and Ketunemi, the Rakshasas, against Ajashakti after their conquest.

Ajashakti's voice echoed in the courtyard, "See for yourself. How can we defeat the gods when treachery runs deep within our own ranks ?"

Pralayant, his voice filled with outrage, exclaimed, "I swear my lord ! I have never even spoken ill of you, forget about a conspiracy ! This is a fabrication meant to tarnish my loyalty."

Ajashakti's expression remains icy and resolute. Without a word, he takes the incriminating letter from Vakrang's hands and holds it out to a servant standing nearby. The servant approaches Pralayant and hands him the letter.

Pralayant's hands tremble slightly as he unfolds the parchment and reads the damning words scrawled upon it. His eyes widen in shock as he recognizes his own handwriting and the familiar tone of words.

"This is your handwriting, isn't it?" Ajashakti demands.

The weight of the accusation hangs heavy in the air, as Pralayant struggles to find the words to defend himself.

He hesitates before admitting, "Yes it is, but my lord, I swear I have never written anything to Ketunemi !"

Vakrang stepped forward, "Pralayant is anything but a traitor. You must have been misled-" "Silence, Vakrang !" Ajashakti interjects, his eyes blazing with fury.

"Our king is no traitor ! Ajashakti, you speak lies !"

"You have been mistaken !"

As the Danavas start to speak in defense of their king, their voices rise with indignation.  The Daitya guards held them back, their hands gripping their weapons tightly.

"The evidence speaks for itself," Ajashakti proclaims, his tone unwavering.

Pralayant stood frozen, a mix of fear and disbelief clouding his features as he stared at Ajashakti. The emperor remained unbothered by the commotion around him. His focus was solely on Pralayant, the accused traitor. With a steady hand, Ajashakti raised his bow and notched three arrows onto it, aiming directly at Pralayant with unwavering determination.

Ajashakti's voice boomed across the courtyard, cutting through the tension like a sharp blade. "And there is no place for traitors in my kingdom."

Without hesitation, he released the arrows, each one flying towards Pralayant with deadly accuracy. The courtyard fell silent, the only sound being the thud of the arrows finding their mark. Pralayant falls to the ground, lifeless. Blood stains the ground as the rest watch in silence.

After a moment of chilling silence, the Danavas erupted in outrage, "MAHARAJ !"

They violently pushed through the Daityas, some rushing to Pralayant's lifeless body, others attempting to attack Ajashakti with the intent to avenge their fallen leader. However, as they drew closer, Ajashakti calmly raised a hand, and an invisible barrier shimmered into existence, preventing the Danavas from getting any closer.

The Danavas pounded against the barrier, their faces contorted with grief and fury, their futile attempts to break through only serving to highlight their powerlessness in that moment. Ajashakti stood unmoved, his expression unreadable, his eyes fixed on the fallen Pralayant.

Ajashakti's voice boomed with authority, "Stop !"

The power in his voice was such, that the Danavas, feeling an inexplicable compulsion to obey, froze in their tracks. The chaotic scene fell into an eerie stillness as they halted within moments, eyes fixed on Ajashakti.

With a slightly softer tone, he instructed, "Take Pralayant back to the Danava kingdom. Perform his final rites with honor."

The Danavas looked conflicted, their expressions torn between grief and anger. The betrayal and false accusations had stirred a sense of loyalty and unity among them, yet they were torn between seeking revenge and honoring their fallen king.

Some of them knelt beside Pralayant, tears of sorrow streaming down their faces, while others clenched their fists in silent fury. Their eyes flickered with a mix of defiance and uncertainty as they exchanged glances, silently communicating their shared desire for revenge against the Daityas.

The Danavas, with tears streaming down their faces, gently lifted Pralayant's body and began to carry him away. But before leaving they glared at the Daityas with a promise of vengeance in their eyes.

One Danava warned, "You have blood on your hands, and we will not forget this day."

Ajashakti remained composed and indifferent to the brewing conflict, his gaze fixed upon the horizon with an air of detached authority. In contrast, Vakrang seethed with frustration, his features contorted with suppressed rage at the turn of events. First Ketunemi, then Pralayant. Vakrang, clenched his fists, realising that the grand conquest he had envisioned could never be carried out now.

He knew deep down that Pralayant could not have been a traitor, sensing that there was more to the situation than met the eye, something which he needed to uncover.

Vakrang's eyes scanned the courtyard, darting around as his mind raced. His gaze then settled on the balcony of the palace. There stood Anugamini, a mysterious smile playing on her lips. In that moment, a flicker of suspicion ignited within Vakrang's mind.

It was an enigmatic expression, one that seemed out of place amidst the chaos unfolding in the courtyard below. As she walked away, a chill ran through Vakrang, his intuition telling him that something was wrong, especially when her influence over Ajashakti was undeniable.

As Anugamini walked through the mostly empty corridors, her eyes gleamed with a knowing smile. As she continued down the path, her hand reached up to the back of her neck, fingers deftly unclasping the ruby studded lotus necklace that adorned her. The jewels sparkled in the dim light, reflecting the triumph that shone in her eyes.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the necklace vanished from her grasp, as if spirited away by unseen forces. With a victorious smile, Anugamini continued her leisurely walk as if nothing had occurred, her demeanor as composed as ever.


Ketunemi gone.
Pralayant gone.
Vakrang, now your chance 🌝

AJASHAKTI ANUGAMINI : An HHS SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now