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In the grand feast hall of the dark palace, the daityas gathered in revelry, their voices echoing off the shadowy walls. Torches flickered ominously, casting eerie shadows across the faces of the assembled beings. The air was thick with the scent of intoxicating brews and the sound of clinking goblets.

Some daityas boasted loudly of their impending victory over the devatas, their confidence palpable in the dimly lit room.

One Daitya raised his goblet high, his voice booming through the hall, "To our strength and cunning, the Devtas shall tremble before us !"

Another Daitya chimed in, his voice filled with confidence, "With Shreeshaktiswar by our side, we are invincible ! His power will lead us to glory !"

"Soon, Swarg will be ours to rule !" One more chimed in, "Imagine the beauty of the apsaras, dancing at our command, their grace and charm unparalleled in all the realms !"

As the daityas revelled in their dreams of conquest and power, the flickering torches cast eerie shadows across the hall, illuminating their grotesque features and twisted smiles. The air was thick with the scent of intoxicating brews and the sound of raucous laughter.

However, there were others who murmured with unease, sensing the shifting power dynamics in their midst. Envy and ambition hung heavy in the air, mingling with the heady aroma of the feast.

One Daitya, with a furrowed brow, leaned in to his companion and muttered, "Do you truly believe Srinav can lead us to victory over the Devtas ? He is not one of us, no matter what our mother claims. He is still the god among asuras."

Another, nodding thoughtfully, replied, "Vakrang was a mighty king, and his fall was sudden."

At the head of the long banquet table, Vakrang, the once mighty king of Daityas, sat brooding with simmering rage. His eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the fiery torches around him, his grip tightening on his goblet as he nursed his fury.

"How can mother crown Srinav as our king ?" he growled, his voice dripping with malice. "I have ruled over the Daityas for centuries, yet she chooses an outsider over me !"

One Daitya, emboldened by the wine, dared to speak up, "But Vakrang, we must obey Mother Diti's choice. Shreeshaktiswar is now our king, we must show loyalty for now."

Vakrang's face twisted in a mix of fury and defeat as he downed his goblet, the bitter taste matching the bitterness in his heart. "For now. Just for now." he muttered darkly, his words laced with a venomous promise.

As the feast reached its peak, the dark palace was filled with uproarious laughter and the clinking of goblets. Suddenly, the doors swung open to reveal Diti, leading a towering figure with a fierce presence, none other than Shreeshaktiswar in his daitya form. His divine essence, though corrupted, still shone through the Asura facade.

There was an undeniable aura of divine beauty surrounding him. His radiant fair skin emanates a soft glow in the dimly lit palace, accentuating his godly aura even in his daitya form. Long, lustrous hair cascaded down to his hips, swaying with each graceful step he took. His face was adorned with sharp features and a full beard but a detached expression.

His stature was imposing, towering above all the daityas present, his pillar-like arms hinting at his immense strength. But it was his eyes that held the most captivating allure - a fiery orange hue that seemed to mirror the intensity of an eclipse, drawing everyone's gaze towards him. Yet they seemed distant, and empty.

He wore dark silken garments that draped elegantly over his towering figure, the fabric shimmering like shadows in the dimly lit palace. Heavy jewelries adorned his form. Around his neck, a necklace of black onyx and blood-red rubies gleamed, contrasting with his pale skin. Bracelets of obsidian and gold encircled his wrists, emitting an ominous aura. Heavy rings and sapphires adorned his fingers, glinting in the flickering torchlight.

"Do you remember them, Ajashakti ?" Diti asked, her voice coaxing.

Aja meaning unborn, shakti meaning power. This was the name Diti had bestowed upon him, fearing that taking his real name would make him remember his true essence.

Confusion flashed across his face as he scanned the faces of the Daityas. "I...I remember their faces from my coronation," he murmured, his gaze wandering through the crowd.

"These are your brothers, my son," Diti declared, her voice laced with venom. "Bound by blood and the shared desire for supremacy. Remember, they are your kin. You must always work in their favour."

As she guided him to the head of the long table, Vakrang rose in deference to her, though his eyes betrayed his disdain towards Ajashakti. His eyes locked onto him, a mixture of resentment and defiance evident in his gaze as he beheld the usurper donning his former crown. The crown, the centerpiece of his ensemble, was a malicious marvel to behold. Crafted from dark metals and studded with gleaming gemstones, it twisted and curled in intricate patterns that seemed to whisper of ancient power.

Diti's voice cut through the tension like a blade. "Move, Vakrang," she commanded, her words laced with authority. "This seat belongs to the king."

Vakrang, his anger barely contained, argued, "I too was a king, mother. This was my seat !"

Diti's voice turned cold, "You are no longer a king, Vakrang. At least, not for now."

Her words cut through him like a blade, leaving Vakrang seething with rage. Reluctantly, he moved aside, his fists clenched in fury.

Diti's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she whispered to Ajashakti, "Sit, my dear."

Ajashakti, his gaze distant and empty, followed her command without hesitation, his daitya form towering over the table, exuding an aura of raw strength and otherworldly beauty. Vakrang felt jealousy and anger burning him from inside as he saw Ajashakti take his place at the table.

An asur leaned towards Vakrang, murmuring, "Sire, it is only for a year, remember ?"

Vakrang's jaw clenched as he replied, "To bow before another is unbearable even for a moment."


Koi Vakrang ke jale par namak chhidko yaar~

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