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The rhythmic pitter-patter of raindrops had recently ceased, leaving behind a damp, earthy scent that hung heavy in the air. Above, clouds, remnants of the recent storm, drifted lazily across the sky, their shadows dancing on the emerald green expanse of the ashram of Rishi Kashyap.

Aditi sat at the base of the tree, her posture a reflection of her serene spirit. A gentle smile played on her lips as she weaved intricate garlands of lotus flowers, her fingers moving with a rhythmic grace. Her voice, a soft melody, carried the praises of Narayan, her words a testament to her unwavering faith.

Next to Aditi, her sister sat Vinta, the mother of Garud, her face mirroring the same peaceful expression. She too was weaving flower garlands, while swaying gently to the rhythm of Aditi's bhajan. Both their minds immersed in Narayan.

From the seclusion of the hut, Diti observed them both. Her gaze was fixed on Aditi, her serene demeanor a stark contrast to the turmoil that raged within Diti's own heart. How could Aditi remain so calm, so undisturbed, knowing that her sons were on the brink of a devastating war ?

Diti's thoughts returned to the words of Rishi Kashyap. He had warned her of the futility of challenging Narayan, the supreme being, and how for the greater good he wouldn't. The image of the divine figure, his power unyielding, flashed through her mind.

Diti's gaze, filled with suspicion, lingered on Aditi. Could it be possible that Aditi's unwavering serenity stemmed from a deep-seated belief in her sons' invincibility? The thought was both terrifying and exhilarating.
As she contemplated Aditi's serene demeanor, a wave of doubt washed over Diti.

Had she gone too far, tampering with the divine order to fulfill her own ambitions? The thoughts about the possible consequences of her actions were beginning to weigh heavily on her mind.

Suddenly Danu came there, carrying a pot of water. As her eyes fell upon Diti, a subtle shift in her expression was evident. A flicker of concern crossed her face.

"Why do you look so troubled ?" She asked, her eyes fixed on her sister.

Diti hesitated, her mind racing. The weight of her actions was beginning to bear down on her. "I'm not sure if we should proceed with the conquest," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper.

Danu's eyes widened in shock as she registered the gravity of Diti's words. Her sons, the Danavas, had knelt before the Daityas, their pride temporarily laid aside in the pursuit of a common goal. The thought of abandoning their quest was a bitter pill to swallow.

"But why ?" Danu demanded, her voice laced with disbelief. Her eyes, filled with a mixture of confusion and anger, bore into Diti's face.

Diti's voice trembled slightly as she confessed her fear. "I fear Narayan's intervention," she admitted, her eyes filled with a mixture of dread and resignation. "He is the supreme lord and he will not hesitate to defeat Ajashakti if he interferes."

Her voice trailed off, her mind racing with the potential consequences. "And if Ajashakti falls..... if Srinav falls, none of us will be spared from Amarsri's vengeance," she added, a shiver running down her spine.

"We cannot back down now," Danu declared, her voice firm. Her eyes flashed with a mixture of determination and defiance. "Ajashakti will defeat the Devas before they have a chance to call upon Narayan."

Diti's gaze met Danu's, a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. The words of her sister echoed in her mind, a reminder of the prize they sought to win.

"You're right," Diti admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "But tampering with the divine order is a dangerous game."

Danu nodded, her expression grim. "It is," she agreed, "but the reward is worth the risk. Swarglok awaits us."

A flicker of determination returned to Diti's eyes as she listened to Danu's words. The familiar fire of ambition, once dimmed by doubt, reignited within her. The thought of conquering Swarglok, of ruling the heavens, was too alluring to abandon.

"You're right," she admitted, her voice firm. "It was a mistake to involve Srinav. But he agreed to the boon, and therefore, Amarsri does not have the right to get angry on us."

Diti turned away and wnr, her mind racing with a renewed determination. Danu watched her sister depart, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. The sacrifice of her Danava sons would not be in vain. The conquest of Swarglok was within reach. Danu walked away, her footsteps echoing in the serene surroundings of the ashram.

Vinta's gaze followed her sisters, her expression filled with concern. "They are planning something grave," she whispered to Aditi, her voice barely audible. "Something that will lead to doom for all."

Aditi's serene smile remained unchanged. "I trust Narayan," she replied, her voice filled with unwavering faith.

Vinta nodded, her expression a mixture of hope and fear. "There is nothing one cannot do through Narayan's grace," she agreed, her voice filled with conviction. Yet, a shadow of doubt lingered in her eyes.

"But Shreeshaktiswar..." she hesitated, her voice filled with concern. "A battle between him and Narayan would be catastrophic."

Aditi's smile remained unwavering. "I have faith in Narayan's daughter as well, she will find a way to protect her beloved." She replied, her voice filled with a quiet assurance, "There is nothing in the three worlds which Amarsri cannot accomplish if she wishes to do so."


This moment will be regretted deeply by Diti and Danu 🌝

AJASHAKTI ANUGAMINI : An HHS SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now