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A pall of dread descended upon Swarglok. The news of Srinav's transformation into a Daitya was a dagger to the heart of the celestial realm. The once harmonious symphony of the heavens was now a discordant cacophony of fear and uncertainty.

Indra, the resplendent king, paced like a caged tiger, his mind a tempestuous sea. His heart, once filled with courage, now echoed with a profound sorrow. Srinav, his confidant, his brother in arms, had been forced into the dark side. The thought of raising his divine weapon against his friend was a torment beyond comprehension.

"How could this happen ?" he exclaimed, his voice echoing in the grand chamber. "Srinav, the embodiment of compassion, turned into an Asura at Diti's behest ? It's incomprehensible !"

The other devatas exchange worried glances, knowing that Srinav's presence on the side of the Daityas could tip the balance of power against their favor.

Varundev's voice echoed through the divine chamber, carrying a weight of authority. "Diti has overstepped her bounds this time," he declared, his eyes flashing with determination. "Her audacity to manipulate the divine order will not go unpunished."

The tension in Swarglok was palpable as whispers of uncertainty fill the air. The devatas, usually confident in their victories, now face an uncertain future with Srinav fighting against them.

Indra, his divine countenance etched with resolve, raised his hand. A blinding flash of light erupted as the mighty Vajra materialized in his grasp. The entire Swarglok was bathed in its brilliance as the other Devatas looked on in astonishment.

"We must retrieve Srinav from Diti’s clutches," Indra declared, his voice firm. "He is a son of the two greatest goddesses, he is the husband of another mighty goddess ! He shall return to his rightful place."

But Brihaspati, the wise counselor of the devatas, steps forward, his expression grave. "Devraj, your heart is noble, but haste can be our downfall. Srinav, in his current state, is not the friend you once knew. He has forgotten his past, he wouldn't see you as his friend and it would be unwise to confront him now." He says.

"But we cannot abandon him to the darkness, Devguru," Indra pressed, his voice low and intense. "He is a part of us."

Brihaspati lays a gentle hand on Indra's shoulder. "We should not rush into battle with one who was once our ally. Rashness will only fuel the chaos Diti seeks."

The weight of their decision hung heavy in the air. Indra's grip tightened on the Vajra, a silent battle raging within him. He knew that time was of the essence, but he also understood the wisdom of caution. With a heavy heart, he lowered his weapon, its power receding like a retreating tide.

Seeing the concern on the faces of the devatas, in Vaikunth Bhagwaan Vishnu's usually serene expression was replaced by a furrowed brow, indicating his deep worry. Mata Lakshmi was seated beside him, her eyes reflecting a motherly worry for Srinav. The usually peaceful atmosphere of Vaikunth seems tinged with an air of unease as the cosmic balance was threatened by the unforeseen alliance.

"Lord," she began, her voice soft with worry, "Will you fight against him ?"

"Chanchala, the path of dharma is clear," Narayan's eyes reflected a mix of emotions as he replied, his voice carrying the weight of his divine responsibility, "If the Devas seek my aid, I shall not hesitate."

A profound silence enveloped them. As the weight of the situation sinks in, mother Lakshmi's anxiety deepens, fearing for the fate of Srinav caught in the midst of a cosmic conflict.

The goddess, her voice filled with hope, reminds, "But Srinav is a child of mine, Lord. This alliance with Diti is a temporary aberration."

Vishnu's gaze remained fixed on Swarglok as he murmured, "Srinav's power is such that he can conquer Swarg in just two days."

"He won't." A voice said. Lakshmi Narayan turned their gaze and saw Amarsri approaching them with a troubled expression, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and sadness.

She spoke with a firm voice, "I won't allow Srinav to attack Swarglok. Pitashree, please have faith in me. I won't let him bring harm to anyone."

Narayan, gazing at his daughter with understanding, responds, "Amarsri, my child, the situation is dire. Srinav's power is immense. Are you sure you can save him from venturing on the path of adharm ?"

"It is my duty as his wife." Amarsri, her eyes reflecting determination, asserts, "You only have taught us all that one should use intellect before force. I will ensure that no sin taints Srinav's actions. Please grant me one year and abstain from battling him."

Goddess Lakshmi, concerned yet curious, asked, "What do you plan to do, child ?"

Amarsri's resolve, though unwavering, was tempered by uncertainty. "I do not know the path yet, Mother," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of trepidation. "But I shall find a way to reach him."

Bhagwaan Vishnu's gaze, sharp as an eagle, assessed her. "And if you fail ?" he inquired, his voice a gentle prod. "If Srinav, in his transformed state, attacks Swarglok ?"

Amarsri's determination hardened. "Then I shall stand against him," she declared, her voice filled with quiet strength. "I will not allow him to harm swarglok."

A knowing smile graced Narayan's lips. "Your courage is as vast as the cosmos, my daughter." He said, his voice filled with admiration.

Amarsri bowed her head in reverence. With a deep breath, she turned and vanished, her form dissolving into a shimmering light.


Can we appreciate Indra and Srinav bond 😍✨

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