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In the dimly lit palace chamber, Ajashakti sat on his grand throne, his formidable presence casting a shadow over the room. His brows furrowed in deep contemplation as the Daityas approached him, their voices trembling with fear and desperation.

"O mighty Ajashakti, son of Diti, we are oppressed by the Devatas ! They seek to crush our spirits and decimate our kind," one Daitya cried out, his eyes filled with anguish.

Another Daitya added, "They deceive us with their false promises and mock our strength. We cannot bear their tyranny any longer !"

One among them even lied, "Oh mighty Ajashakti, the Devtas show no mercy! They oppress us, destroy our homes, and revel in our suffering."

As the Daityas exaggerated and spun tales of Devata cruelty, Ajashakti's expression shifted. His once vacant eyes darkened with a newfound intensity, fueled by the lies and manipulations of his subjects.

Ajashakti's gaze shifted to Diti, seeking answers. "Is this true, mother ? Have we truly endured such suffering at the hands of the Devatas ?"

Diti, with a cunning smile, twisted the truth to suit her narrative. "Yes, my son. My sister Aditi and her children have been favored by fate, while we have languished in despair. The Devatas have always been our enemies, seeking to crush us beneath their heels."

Standing up from her seat, Diti approached Ajashakti, her voice dripping with venom as she held his hands tightly. "My son, the Devatas have taken everything from us. It is time for us to rise and claim what is rightfully ours."

The Daityas' voices rose in unison, urging Ajashakti to take revenge, to unleash his power upon their enemies. "Ajashakti, son of Diti, we beseech you to avenge our fallen brethren! The Devatas must pay for their crimes against us!"

"Avenge us !"

"We want vengeance !"

"SILENCE !" Ajashakti thundered, causing the chamber to fall into hushed anticipation.

"I have deduced the reason for our repeated defeats," he continued, his voice resonating through the hall. "The Devatas stand united, while we remain divided amongst ourselves. In every devasur sangram that you told me about, every time the Adityas, Vasus, Maruts and Rudras were together fighting as one."

The Daityas' eyes widened in realization as Ajashakti continued, "To overthrow the Devatas, we must unite our forces. Let us join hands with Danavas and Rakshasas to stand as one against our common enemy."

Vakrang, the embittered former king, rose defiantly, "Joining forces with Rakshasas is madness ! They cannot be trusted !"

Ajashakti's voice boomed, "The time for alliances is now ! United, we can overthrow our oppressors."

Vakrang's eyes flashed with anger, "You speak of treachery !"

Ajashakti's gaze turned steely as he retorted, "The time for old grudges is over, Vakrang. The time for division is over. We must unite all forces against our common enemy," he declared firmly, his voice brooking no argument.

Vakrang, undeterred, met his gaze with defiance. "I will not stand by and watch you lead our people to ruin by allying with the despicable Rakshasas."

"You question my leadership, Vakrang?" Ajashakti rose from his ornate throne. His eyes blazed with an intense fury as he strode purposefully towards Vakrang, who dared to challenge his authority. The air crackled with animosity as the two formidable beings locked eyes in a silent battle of wills. Ajashakti's powerful presence seemed to dwarf Vakrang, who stood his ground defiantly, his own eyes gleaming with a mixture of resentment and defiance.

Ajashakti said, "Your narrow-mindedness blinds you to our true potential."

Before things could escalate further, Diti stepped between the two, her voice dripping with anger, "Vakrang, you will heed Ajashakti's every command. His power is unmatched, and you will obey !"

Vakrang's disbelief at her intervention was quickly overshadowed by the realization that he must obey Ajashakti's every command, a bitter pill for the once mighty king to swallow. Vakrang's gaze shifted from Diti to Ajashakti, his eyes ablaze with a mixture of resentment and recognition of his own downfall.

A serpentine column of darkness slithered through the heart of the ancient forest. The Daityas, a horde of shadows, marched with a relentless purpose. Their armor, glinting in the dim, ethereal light that filtered through the canopy, was a mosaic of black and crimson.

Foot soldiers, their faces etched with a feral hunger, trudged through the mud and undergrowth, their rhythmic pounding on the forest floor a haunting symphony of war. Behind them, a cavalcade of horses, their coats as dark as the night, carried the Daitya dignitaries, their forms silhouetted against the eerie backdrop.

At the vanguard of this menacing procession, a colossal chariot, drawn by six obsidian steeds, cut a swathe through the dense undergrowth. Ajashakti sat upright, his figure imposing against the twilight sky. Beside him, Diti with her eyes gleaming with a cold, predatory light, seemed to command the very essence of darkness.

Diti's eyes were fixed on Ajashakti. A proud smile curved her lips, for never was any child or descendant of hers, so glorious. Everything about Ajashakti was a testament to her ambition. His towering stature, the divine aura that clung to him even in his corrupted form, the regal indifference that masked a potential tempest - it all filled her with a sense of triumph. She was the sculptor who had molded clay idol of a god into the most powerful daitya ever. The thought sent a shiver of satisfaction down her spine.

Diti's mind raced, painting vivid pictures of the future. Closing her eyes she saw Ajashakti standing tall amidst the ruins of Swarglok. The once pristine heavens becoming a desolate wasteland, would be a testament to his power, to her power. She could almost hear the screams of the Devas as they fell before the daityas.

Meanwhile Ajashakti's gaze drifted away from the procession, towards the river that snaked through the forest. Its dark, still waters mirrored the twilight sky, creating an eerie ambiance. But suddenly a frown marred Ajashakti's face. The tranquility he had found in the river's reflection was shattered by a disturbance. He sensed a shift in the atmosphere, a subtle tremor in the fabric of reality.

From the depths of the river, monstrous creatures emerged. They were behemoths of flesh and bone, their forms twisted and grotesque. Their eyes, burning with an unnatural light, seemed to pierce the very soul. The procession ground to a halt as the Daityas instinctively reached for their weapons.

Vakrang, his voice echoing through the chaos, turned to Ajashakti. "Command the troops to engage these monstrosities !"

Ajashakti rose to his full height, his imposing figure dwarfing those around him. His voice, deep and resonant, carried over the din of the battlefield. "Hold your ground," he commanded, his tone unwavering.

Diti's eyes widened in disbelief, as she stared at Ajashakti and then gazed at the terrifying monstrous entities. Vakrang's voice rose to a shout. "Have you lost your mind ?! We must defend ourselves, Ajashakti !"

Ajashakti's voice, calm and resolute, cut through the clamor. "We will defend ourselves only when there is an enemy to defend against."


What does he mean ? 🌝

AJASHAKTI ANUGAMINI : An HHS SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now