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In the dark shadows of the daitya palace, Vakrang moved stealthily, his heart pounding with each silent step. The flickering torches cast eerie glows, illuminating the ornate corridors as he made his way to the room of the late Ketunemi. The thought of Anugamini's possible involvement in the deaths of the kings fueled Vakrang's resolve to uncover the truth.

His once proud demeanor now replaced with cautiousness, every creak of the floorboards sounded deafening in the stillness of the night, making him flinch at the slightest noise. His sharp eyes scanned the corridor, ever vigilant for any sign of approaching guards. He was afraid they'd tell Ajashakti about his secret investigation and cause him to grow even suspicious.

Vakrang was acutely aware of the danger he was putting himself in by delving into the dark secrets of the palace. But he needed to uncover the truth.

Every step seemed to echo in the eerie stillness of the night as Vakrang finally reached the door. With bated breath, he pressed his ear against the solid wood, he swiftly slipped inside without making a sound. The room was shrouded in darkness, illuminated only by the faint light filtering through the window.

Vakrang made his way to the desk, his heart pounding in his chest. He rummaged through the papers, searching for any sign of further treachery, any more letters exchanged between them. But to his surprise, there were none to be found regarding this matter, there was no evidence of further collusion between Ketunemi and Pralayant.

Vakrang's brow furrowed in confusion. If Ketunemi and Pralayant were truly plotting against the emperor, where were the rest of their plans ? As Vakrang stood in the silent room, a cold chill crept down his spine. The pieces of the puzzle were not adding up, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this conspiracy than met the eye.

He pondered the lack of evidence, the absence of any incriminating letters that he had expected to find. Lost in his thoughts, his eyes wandered around the room until they caught a sudden glint of red, a reflection in a nearby jewel catching the moonlight.

Turning his gaze downward, he beheld a magnificent Ruby necklace, its rubies arranged in the intricate shape of a lotus. The soft glow of the moonlight seemed to dance off the gems, casting an ethereal light in the room.

His mind raced as he knelt down and picked up the necklace, a sense of familiarity washing over him. And then it struck him - this was Anugamini's necklace. Questions and suspicions swirled in Vakrang's mind as he held the necklace in his hands.

The weight of suspicion begins to settle on his shoulders as he contemplates the implications. Had she played a part in framing her husband's allies ? The pieces of the puzzle seemed to fall into place as Vakrang connected the dots.

"So, it was her all along..." He whispered to himself, "But why would she do that ?"

The weight of betrayal settled heavy on his heart as he clenched the necklace in his fist. Vakrang clenched the ruby necklace tightly in his hand, his jaw clenched in anger. The realization hit had him like a thunderbolt. Questions swirled in his head as he struggled to comprehend why she would plant evidence to implicate her own husband in a treasonous plot. The reddish light that had caught his eye now seemed to taunt him with the hidden secrets it held.

With a clenched jaw, Vakrang rose to his feet, his eyes flashing with anger. He moved swiftly and silently, his steps barely making a sound on the polished marble floor. The weight of the necklace felt heavy in his palm, a symbol of the deception that had unfolded within the palace walls.

As he disappeared into the shadows, his figure blending seamlessly with the darkness of the night, a sense of vengeance burned within him.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the palace, the Antahpur, Ajashakti stood alone on his balcony, the night enveloping him in a shroud of darkness. The flickering light of torches cast shadows across his troubled expression, the wine goblet swirling in his hand reflecting his inner turmoil.

Memories of laughter and camaraderie with Pralayant flooded his mind, a stark contrast to the bitter reality of his friend's betrayal and subsequent demise. His thoughts were clouded with sorrow and regret, the weight of his actions heavy on his heart. The death of Pralayant weighed on his conscience, the truth of his betrayal a haunting specter in the darkness.

"Asur-raj ?" Anugamini's gentle touch on his arm startled him out of his reverie.

Ajashakti turned to look at her, seeing the worry etched on her face, "Hmm ?"

"It's getting late." She whispered, her eyes filled with concern.

He sighed heavily, his voice laden with sorrow. "I can't shake off this feeling of loss, Anugamini. Pralayant was more than just a friend to me. His death weighs heavily on my conscience."

Anugamini's voice turned stern as she replied, "He betrayed us. He sided with our enemies. A traitor like him deserves no tears from you."

"I know, but I can't shake this feeling of guilt." Ajashakti's hand tightened around the goblet, his mind clouded with conflicting emotions

Anugamini's voice softened, her touch gentle on his arm. "If you truly feel remorse, then go and speak with Danu. Perhaps it will bring you peace."

Ajashakti turned to face her, the moonlight casting shadows on his troubled face. "But what will I say to her ? How do I explain my role in her son's death ?"

Anugamini's eyes reflected understanding as she replied, "I'm sure she will forgive you."

"Why would she forgive me ?" Ajashakti asked.

Anugamini's eyes held a mysterious glint as she replied, "Because Danu knows the ultimate truth."

"What ultimate truth ?" Ajashakti was taken aback by her cryptic words, his mind racing with questions.

Anugamini's eyes held a deep wisdom that both comforted and perplexed him, this was something he hadn't seen in her eyes before.

"The truth that will set your soul free." She simply smiled enigmatically.

Her words lingered in the air as Ajashakti stared at her in disbelief. Her usually gentle demeanor now carried an air of mystery and wisdom he had never noticed before. The moonlight illuminated her face, casting shadows that seemed to dance around her features. As he gazed at her, a sense of curiosity and intrigue washed over him

Without further explanation, she led him inside the room, and Ajashakti followed obediently, his thoughts still lingering on her.


Although Pralayant didn't betray Ajashakti.... He was a traitor of righteousness or dharm 😌✨

AJASHAKTI ANUGAMINI : An HHS SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now