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The grand courtyard of the Daitya palace was transformed into a bustling hive of activity. All the asuras, their faces etched with a mixture of determination and fervor, were engaged in intense preparations for the yagna.

Ajashakti and Pralayant, their figures silhouetted against the sun, walked side by side through the bustling courtyard. They observed the Daityas and Danavas, whose faces were etched with a mixture of anticipation and determination, they were hard at work, preparing the grand yagna podium.

Ajashakti turned to Pralayant, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Have you sent invitations to our mothers ?" he asked.

"I have personally written to them, my lord. You don't have to worry about anything, as long as I am around." Pralayant replied, his voice dripping with a mixture of flattery and assurance.

Ajashakti's gaze, sharp and penetrating, lingered on Pralayant. The Danava king's excessive flattery, his eagerness to please, raised a doubt in Ajashakti's mind. A memory resurfaced, a reminder of Anugamini's words about advisors who never questioned their king. His eyes flickered with suspicion. Was Pralayant truly working in his best interests, or was he pursuing his own agenda ?

"If everything goes well, we may finally conquer Swarglok," Ajashakti said, "Have you ever dreamed of the heavens ?"

"Every Asur has dreamt of Swarglok," Pralayant replied, his eyes burning with a sense of ambition.

Ajashakti's gaze, filled with a mixture of scrutiny and suspicion, lingered on Pralayant. "Have you ever dreamt of ruling Swarglok ?"

Pralayant's expression faltered slightly, a flicker of hesitation crossing his face. His eyes, once filled with a sense of determination, now held a hint of uncertainty.

"You should be the ruler of the heavens," Pralayant's voice was filled with a mixture of flattery and sincerity. "It would be a pleasure to see you ascend to such heights."

Ajashakti's gaze, filled with a mixture of suspicion and scrutiny, lingered on Pralayant. The Danava king's words, while seemingly genuine, weren't easing him. The seed of doubt, planted by Anugamini, had taken root, growing deeper with each passing moment.

Nevertheless Ajashakti forced a smile. He knew he had to be cautious, to avoid revealing his suspicions. But deep down, he was wary, his trust in Pralayant wavering.


The Rakshasas, their voices raised in unison, were practicing the mantras, their chanting echoing through the place. Ketunemi, his eyes scanning the assembled warriors, listened with a critical ear. He was a master of the arcane arts, his knowledge of the ancient rituals unparalleled. He sought out any flaws, any imperfections that could jeopardize the success of the yagna.

His gaze lingered on a young Rakshasa, his voice wavering slightly. A frown creased Ketunemi's brow as he identified the flaw.

"Raise your voice slightly, at that word." With a subtle gesture, he signaled to the Rakshasa, a correction that went unnoticed by the others.

The Rakshasas, their voices raised in a harmonious chorus, continued their practice. Ketunemi listened attentively and carefully. His gaze, however, occasionally drifted towards the window, where the royal garden was visible. Through the translucent panes, he spotted a few women strolling through the lush greenery.

A flicker of interest crossed his face as he observed the women. With a suddenness that caught his minister by surprise, Ketunemi stood up and walked towards the window. The minister, his curiosity piqued, followed closely behind. As they reached the window, Ketunemi's gaze was fixed on the women, a wicked smile playing on his lips.

Ketunemi's gaze, filled with a mixture of admiration and desire, swept across the women in the garden. He took in their beauty, their grace, their allure. But it was the foremost woman, the leader of the group, who truly captivated his attention.

He turned to his minister, his voice filled with a hint of urgency. "Is that Anugamini, the queen ?" he asked, his eyes fixed on the woman.

The minister, his eyes following Ketunemi's gaze, nodded. "Yes, my lord. That is Maharani Anugamini." He replied.

Ketunemi muttered to himself, his voice barely audible. "I had seen her before, but I never truly appreciated her beauty."

His words were a confession, a realization that had dawned upon him only now. The woman he had dismissed as a mere attractive mortal was, in fact, a vision of ethereal beauty.

Ketunemi's gaze remained fixed on Anugamini, his eyes filled with a mixture of ambition and desire. As he watched her collect flowers in the garden, he couldn't help but compare her to the other women who surrounded her. They paled in comparison, their beauty eclipsed by Anugamini's radiant glow.

"If Ajashakti is truly Srinav, wouldn't he return to his own abode, to his true wife, after conquering Swarglok ?" he asked, his voice carrying a note of intrigue.

The minister, his face etched with contemplation and uncertainty, replied, "Most likely."

Ketunemi's eyes, filled with a sense of purpose, returned to Anugamini. "Wouldn't it be a pity for such a beautiful woman to be left alone, without a protector ?" he mused, his voice laced with a hint of malice.

The minister, his eyes filled with a knowing glint, understood the subtle message behind Ketunemi's words. He smirked, a silent acknowledgment of their shared intention.

"Such a tragedy should be avoided," he replied, his voice carrying a note of menace.

Ketunemi's gaze, filled with a mixture of lust and admiration, lingered on Anugamini. Her beauty, a radiant glow that eclipsed all others, had captivated him. He had seen many women in his palace, some won through conquest, others brought by force, but none could compare to Anugamini.

Ketunemi's mind raced with fantasies, his imagination painting vivid pictures of Anugamini by his side. He imagined the touch of her hand, the warmth of her embrace, the sweet melody of her laughter. The thought of possessing her, of making her his, sent a thrill of excitement through him.

Anugamini, her eyes filled with a knowing glint, turned around. Her oblivious act was a carefully crafted facade, a way to mask her true intentions. She was aware of Ketunemi's gaze, his admiration, his desire, aware of everything that had been going on in his wicked mind. She had Ketunemi exactly where she wanted him.

There was a reason she had chosen this side of the garden.


*Cracks knuckles*
*stretches arms*

Chalo sailors, bahut masti ho gaya.... Maar-kaat shuru karte hai 🌝✨

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