Chapter 58: Fairy Tales and Libraries

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Chapter 58: Fairy Tales and Libraries

"I must be crazy, why would I bring you here to buy fairy tale books, my lord."

Listening to Shaya muttering behind him, Gu Xi just smiled and didn't mind.

After buying the elder wand, Gu Xi didn't linger at the dock under the sewer but followed Shaya through a few turns to a bookstore deep in an alley.

According to Shaya, this bookstore sells some vocational skill books and employment books, as well as various books related to professionals and the extraordinary.

If Gu Xi wanted vocational skill books, Shaya definitely wouldn't have brought him here.

Because the prices of these books are quite high, some are even more expensive than the small building Gu Xi has yet to complete.

But since Gu Xi was only looking for fairy tale books, it was fine.

These fairy tale books are not very expensive. Gu Xi searched for a while and found many interesting fairy tale books.

For example, The Three Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Jack the Giant Killer, these are the most classic British fairy tales.

However, during the process of reading these fairy tales, Gu Xi felt that these fairy tales carried too much bloodshed, violence, and weirdness.

They don't look like they are written for children, but rather like magical books hiding evil powers.

But judging from the attributes of these fairy tale books, they are not.

[The Three Little Pigs (Gray): A fairy tale storybook with illustrations. It is too gory in description, not suitable for children.]

[Jack and the Beanstalk (Gray): A fairy tale storybook with illustrations. It has a very improper worldview, not suitable for children.]


If it weren't for the fact that when he touched these fairy tale books, Gu Xi automatically generated a temporary task, he might not have looked at these fairy tale books at all.

[Temporary Task: Weird Library]

[Task Description: Collect enough books to enrich the library's collection.]

[Task Requirements: Collect more than 10 books (0/10).]

[Task Reward: Library Design (Medium-sized).]

[Note 1: Please try to collect books of the same type, there will be different transformations when rewards are given.]

[Note 2: The library can be linked with the Magic Tower to produce a linkage effect.]

[Note 3: After increasing the number of books in the library, it can enhance the library's additional attributes. The extent of the increase depends on the quality of the library and the books.]

It was precisely because of such a temporary task that Gu Xi straightforwardly bought all these fairy tale books.

At the same time, Gu Xi also found the information he wanted in these fairy tale books.

It was a fairy tale about three brothers dealing with a Death God.

In it appeared an elder wand, a resurrection stone, and an invisibility cloak.

This fairy tale made Gu Xi suddenly realize that Shaya's transformation into an undead was done using a fake resurrection stone. Her body carries the attributes of a resurrection stone.

If he hadn't encountered the other two items, it would have been fine. But now that he had, it naturally caused such a temporary task to trigger.

After reading the fairy tale, Gu Xi understood the situation.

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