Chapter 22: Finally Defeated

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Chapter 22: Finally Defeated

But Gu Xi still underestimated the combat power of this ghostly shadow.

He had only rushed two steps forward when the ghostly shadow had already reached the front line set up by Combat Squad 4. The five skeletons blocking the ghostly shadow were directly knocked away, heavily hitting the ground and unable to move.

Combat Squad 3, positioned behind Combat Squad 4, decisively thrust their spears when they saw this.

However, the ghostly shadow's speed was too fast. When all the spears were thrust out, even though they were aimed at the enemy's position, only three spears hit their mark.

As for the skeletons of Combat Squads 1 and 2, they hadn't even rushed out yet.

Seeing the ghostly shadow charging directly at him, Gu Xi understood the enemy's intention.

This was targeting the weak point of the necromancer, aiming to kill the necromancer directly.

But you're underestimating the power of a necromancer. Who says necromancers only command skeletons to charge forward? A necromancer who doesn't master several techniques isn't really a necromancer.

Let me tell you, I’ve learned how to throw things.

Gu Xi raised his hand, and the bone fragments and wooden sticks in his hand were directly thrown towards the ghostly shadow.

Along with the bone fragments and wooden sticks, Gu Xi also threw the five daggers he always carried with him.

Because it was a frontal throw, the ghostly shadow charging straight at him didn't think to dodge and still lunged at Gu Xi.

But what Gu Xi threw was not simple. Although they were thrown out, the bone fragments and wooden sticks had the expected effect activated.

The wooden stick hit the ghostly shadow head-on, followed by a crackling sound, breaking one of the ghostly shadow's thigh bones.

The ghostly shadow, charging forward, stumbled, and its movements noticeably slowed.

At this moment, all five of Gu Xi's daggers were embedded in the ghostly shadow.

Such an attack didn't do much damage to the ghostly shadow, but it was highly insulting.

The heads held by the ghostly shadow screamed simultaneously, each head trying to jump off the arm to bite Gu Xi.

But Gu Xi wasn't foolish enough to stay in place after throwing things. He raised his leg, and a large package of items he had packed was kicked towards the ghostly shadow.

The ghostly shadow, already charging towards Gu Xi, ignored the kicked package, not realizing it contained the skeleton corpses Gu Xi had his subordinates pack.

"Corpse Explosion!"

The ghostly shadow didn't expect Gu Xi's corpse explosion to be used this way, and it was hit head-on by the explosion while charging forward.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gu Xi quickly ran towards the direction of the combat squads while summoning Combat Squads 1 and 2 hidden in nearby rooms.

As soon as the two combat squads appeared, they charged at the ghostly shadow from all directions.

Gu Xi had realized that in this battle, he must not let the ghostly shadow take the initiative.

Therefore, he had to bring out all his subordinates to surround and attack.

When all the combat squads rushed out, the ghostly shadow turned around again, and its speed picked up.

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