Chapter 61: The Owl Tower that Increases Intelligence

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Chapter 61: The Owl Tower that Increases Intelligence

After eating and drinking to his heart's content in the tavern, Gu Xi staggered out.

As he exited the tavern, he noticed that the Tavern Lady only walked him to the door and did not step outside, clearly indicating that she had no intention of leaving the tavern.

A thought struck Gu Xi, "Tavern Lady, does this tavern have the function of posting or accepting quests?"

"Yes, sometimes when something is lacking and it's inconvenient for me to find it, I'll issue quests for others to help. Please remember to visit my little tavern from time to time; you never know what surprises you might find."

As the Tavern Lady spoke, she covered her mouth with her bony hand.

Gu Xi quickly turned his head away. Despite becoming a necromancer, he still wasn't quite used to facing this type of skeleton.

If others knew that Gu Xi found a skeleton charming, they would surely think he was crazy.

Seeing Gu Xi hurriedly leave, the Tavern Lady chuckled softly. Only after he was far away did she turn to her three subordinates in the tavern.

"My skin hasn't been painted yet. Coming out without my skin is like being undressed; it just doesn't feel right."

Unaware of what was happening behind him, Gu Xi followed Luna to the vicinity of the Owl Tower.

"I've arranged for the library to be built. With sufficient resources, it will be completed by tomorrow. However, all the medium plots in the city are now used up. For any new buildings, we don't have suitable plots left."

"I know. After the library is built, focus on small and auxiliary buildings. As for medium plots, we'll deal with that after we take Tamworth."

Pausing, Gu Xi asked, "That Tavern Lady seems a bit odd. Do you know her background?"

"I'm not entirely sure. The managers of core buildings are spawned with the buildings. However, as long as the buildings are on our territory, they are trustworthy."

With Luna's assurance, Gu Xi didn't press further.

At this moment, they arrived at the Owl Tower, and Luna began introducing it to Gu Xi.

Originally, this was a three-story apartment building, but it had been heavily modified and now looked quite different.

At least, its style no longer matched the surrounding buildings and instead resembled the patchwork style seen in the ruins.

The three-story apartment had been transformed into a five-story building, with all the walls replaced by variously sized windows, and branches protruding from some of them.

This kind of architecture looked out of place in the entire block.

[Building Name: Owl Tower

Level: 1 (Upgradeable)


- The tower provides 50 units of meat weekly (including but not limited to owl meat, mouse meat, snake meat, etc.).

- The tower can release five owls simultaneously to deliver messages, ensuring they reach the intended recipients.

- First-time entrants to the tower's lobby gain +1 Intelligence.]

Gu Xi wasn't particularly interested in the owl mail service, as he currently had no one to contact. However, the weekly meat supply was quite useful to him.

Although Aridowei was a city of death, Gu Xi would visit occasionally, and having food was key to his stay.

With a guaranteed food supply and a tavern to cook the meat, Gu Xi had no complaints.

Nodding in satisfaction, Gu Xi pushed open the Owl Tower's door and entered the first-floor lobby.

Upon entering, he found the interior style quite different from the chaotic exterior. The lobby had a tranquil atmosphere.

In the center of the lobby was a glowing pool, surrounded by blinking eyes.

"Luna, how much of the strange rat meat do we have left from our last haul?"

"About four or five portions."

Luna hesitated, as she hadn't paid much attention to such small matters.

"I'll stay here for a while. Go bring all the strange rat meat over."


Luna floated away, and Gu Xi took a step forward, standing by the pool.

He felt like he was standing in a starry sky, with the blinking eyes as stars in the darkness.

Each eye exuded wisdom but was unique.

This feeling made Gu Xi quite comfortable. He used this opportunity to review the various knowledge he had learned, recalling things from school that hadn't been useful in the game.

He also pondered details he hadn't previously noticed, realizing that some of his choices had been flawed.

If not for his luck, his bones might have already been taken away.

With a sigh, Gu Xi brightened as he heard a chime in his ears.

[By meditating in the Owl Tower, Intelligence +1, Undead Knowledge +1, Magic Knowledge +1, Basic Science +1.]

[Name: Gu Xi

Game ID: 629SHD2S0FXC30

Class: Necromancer

Level: 3 (313/10000)

Talent: Unactivated

Status: Health (310/310, with food bonus), Mana (650/650)

Attributes: Strength 4.2, Agility 3.3, Constitution 3.1, Intelligence 6.5, Perception 3.7, Charisma 3.6

Class Skills: Necromancy 3 (336/500), Lesser Corpse Explosion 2 (199/200), Lesser Bone Shield 1 (14/100), Bone Spike (32/100)

Active Skills: Throwing 2 (131/200)

Passive Skills: Undead Knowledge 4, Necromantic Pact 1, Magic Knowledge 5, Basic Science 4, Basic Reading 2, Basic Transcription 2, Undead Domination 1.]

Seeing his improved attributes and skills, Gu Xi smiled happily.

The construction of the Owl Tower had paid off, yielding good results.

Just then, Luna returned with several pieces of strange rat meat.

Gu Xi took the strange rat meat and threw it into the glowing pool.

As the pieces of strange rat meat fell into the water, he heard another chime in his ears.

[You have provided suitable food (mice, snakes, squirrels, etc.) to the Owl Tower, attracting the attention of some owls.]

Additionally, Gu Xi noticed a visible percentage appear over the pool.

"27%, Luna, from now on, whenever you find mice or similar creatures in the city, bring them here. I want to see what happens when the pool is fully satisfied."

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