Chapter 67: Other Rewards

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Chapter 67: Other Rewards

The chief battle flag and the champion ring are essential items.

After accepting these two items, the third vampire girl behind Lu Yongchang came forward with a tray.

On this tray was something like a parchment scroll.

"Gu Xi, your skill is the Death City, so for this reward, we have prepared a piece of land that can be fused to expand your Death City.

This is the deed for the land. As long as you open it in your Death City, it will automatically add a large plot, three medium plots, and seven small plots to your city.

Please take this."

Gu Xi knew that Lu Yongchang had put in a lot of effort to prepare this reward, and he quickly stepped forward, accepting the parchment scroll with both hands.

As soon as he received the parchment scroll, a ding sound echoed in Gu Xi's ears.

[Acquired Old City Ruins Deed]

[Old City Ruins, Area: 0.85 square kilometers, Population: None. After occupying, you will get three abandoned laboratories (large buildings, temporary instances, require combat, high danger level), one large plot, three medium plots, and seven small plots.]

Looking at the information that popped up, Gu Xi was momentarily stunned.

The rest was fine, but what about the abandoned laboratories?

Why are there three of them, and why are they marked as dangerous?

Before Gu Xi could ponder this, another vampire girl behind Lu Yongchang came forward with another item.

At this point, Gu Xi put aside the Old City Ruins Deed and turned his attention to the new item.

This new item was a silver cloak, which had a shimmering surface when placed on the tray.

"Necromancers are backline players, so take this invisibility cloak.

Because we couldn’t find a better one in time, this one has some flaws, but it has been upgraded in rank. You can use it for now, and I'll find you a better one next time."

Hearing this, Gu Xi smiled and temporarily shelved his previous doubts.

This invisibility cloak was crucial for Gu Xi.

The difference between having three key abilities versus two is significant, and Gu Xi was very aware of this.

"Thank you, Dean."

After thanking Lu Yongchang, Gu Xi accepted the invisibility cloak.

As soon as he held the invisibility cloak, Gu Xi frowned slightly.

This cloak had issues too.

[Acquired Silver Dragon Invisibility Cloak]

[Silver Dragon Invisibility Cloak (Purple): An invisibility cloak made from silver dragon skin, providing invisibility equivalent to Level 5 stealth. However, due to the silver dragon skin, it is not very friendly to necromancer-type professions or creatures.]

Seeing this description, if Gu Xi didn't realize he was being targeted, he would be a fool.

Someone didn’t want him to receive his rewards smoothly.

Thinking about this, Gu Xi instead smiled.

It wasn’t hard to guess who was behind this: it was either that scholar or the vice president of Steel Ghost Claw.

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